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Ashish Panigrahi
आशिष पाणिग्राही

Hi! Welcome to my website.

I'm Ashish, yet another human being trying to understand his place in the universe.

Professionally, I have worked as an experimentalist in applied physics on engineering fast readout techniques in semiconductor spin qubits based on SiGe/Ge quantum wells. When I'm not consumed with my research, I like to tinker around on my ThinkPad with Emacs and commandline utilities.

Outside academics, I love playing racquet sports (badminton and table tennis in particular), occasionally blogging and spending time with my family.


I am always open to discussing ideas and opportunities for collaboration. Please feel free to reach out (best way is email). I am also happy to give talks on my research in related seminars.

Email: public(at)ashishpanigrahi.com

If you'd like to send me a PGP-encrypted email, download my public key.

Key ID: 0xA46E2F49346D06A8
Fingerprint: 623E 06DC AD2B 3B47 802E 1F6F A46E 2F49 346D 06A8

Remember to send me your public key, else I won't be able to reply!