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Wow, Medicine DOES help!

7-20-2024: Wow, an update only a few days after the last one! Not much of a crazy update, just trying to teach myself some new tricks by updating/adding a new page that will function as a "Suggestions by Friends" where I'll share some shit I think you lovely strangers will love. I'm surprised I managed to do what I did, seeing as how I normally would suffer from burnout so bad my brain feels like it's hogging up on the power to my body. BUT NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER!!!

I actually taught myself how to swap out the Fonts of a webpage to one that I myself wish to use (A fancy looking Windows 95 type of font) so now I can at least have some leeway on how to make a page have a unique font. I'm trying to distance myself little by little from Sadgrl's layout by modifying it so much that it's barely recognizable. I plan to mostly use this account to store or share Art Tips and Tricks (My name is Artist after all) so I need to thing longterm storage and accessibilty. Nothing pisses me off more when someone posts a link to an important file you need only to find that the fucking thing is no longer available due to just, idk, Digital Rot, I guess. I might add in a guestbook thing for y'all to make comments but I don't think I have enough foot traffic to warrant that. Not to mention I'm not a sociable person.

Anyways, the sites going to be a little fucking weird for a bit, possibly forever depending on how bored I get with trying to update a page (Unfortunately that's why modern Social Media took off but I also get it lmao). Things are definitely going to be looking shitty for me for a bit as well, financial troubles and the whole fucking election going on. Uuuuuuh, Fuck Israel, Fuck The Presidential Election, and Fuck, idk, 40+ hour work weeks. There, you got my extremism for the day. Have a good one!


Updates, Ramblings, and Manifesto Thingy:

7-18-2024: Annual update! Not much of one, but I'm still working on mental health issues, getting medications and the like but I'm possibly getting confirmation that I'm someone with ADHD! Nothing concrete though, but I am able to focus longer with my meds being upped (Hopefully some of that attention will get brought to this very page!) I've been trying to think of ways to redo this page as I know with Neocities being able to host your very own independent web page and be a web master, You are responsible for how things work on your end. Unlike modern social medias, which give everyone a uniform layout that is only customizable through the Profile Picture and Banner and other simplified things, you lose the access to show off the things you have a huge interest in. I think web pages should be, at the very least, like a board that weary travelers can gaze upon to learn something new about this vast desert/jungle/ocean/etc, having interesting tidbits, random thoughts of the person who erected (haha) them, and depending on how well the creator of the board cares for the page, it'll be a good hub to look at. The best thing I can think of when it comes to showcasing that very aspect is sharing links to neat websites or applications to just toy with. The internet of Today is too sterile when it comes to giving users freedoms. You can have a PFP, a Banner, and maybe a few links to other websites. At least with stuff like Neocities, you can design whole ass pages and dedicate some of your time and energy into showing off your hobbies, journal entries, and other "Boring" shit. I'll try and think of ways to reflect that, also try and make my page a little more unique instead of having to rely on a premade layout, because I think that leans into the anthithecal section of my internet beliefs of uniformity so as such, I should try and dedicate my time to making a page that reflects my skill and energy to commit to something I'm passionate about. I don't belittle anyone who uses a pre-made layout for their webpages (Seriously, the HTML and CSS shit is hard enough to learn as someone with a shit attention span) but I, in fact, applaud people willing to take the steps to learning HTML and Coding in general. Sure not everyone wants to have to learn a whole ass programming language just to share things with online friends and the like, but I think that was also a major deciding factor on those who were giddy about the craft, vs those that just wanted to socialize. We need more people to be interested in shit, passive things like coding or such, give them something to work on that is a modern journal/diary. Anyways I'm rambling more than I thought I would, so this will mark the end of my entry. ArtistTheArtist05, signing off for now! (pages will be tinkered with here and there, though I don't plan to talk too much cause I'm a chatty motherfucker who doesn't know how to shut the hell up for his own good once he starts talking)

Bootleg all brands, whats a few pennies to a corporation?

7-28-2023: Goddamn! A new update! Lot of shit changed for me personally I guess after my last update of sorts. Getting my mental health issues looked at, trying to decide where I want to go in life.

With twitter going in the shitter, It's no time to be a quitter. Might as well work more on my personal webpages and stuff before Elon Musk kills a website used by millions.

Still need to know what I can do with these tabs on the top of the screen but I think I'm pretty happy and content on what I have now.

Maybe I'll make a manifesto! Or a website of random shit. IDFK, whatever is here is here.