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Continental Conflict: Age of Riot



Inspired by several fictional tales and stories (like Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Fairy Tales, etc.) and mainly based on real life historical events past and present, this Urban Fantasy story set on the fictional continent of Tumultus tells the tale of the Wolf Walkers of the country of Loughton and their dramatic and bloody adventures through an age of riot during a continental conflict started by a fearsome wolf-riding soldier turned dictator.

[Rated Explicit for Selected Archive Warnings/Warnings in Additional Tags]
[Sources are listed in the Endnotes of the story]
[Beginning Author's Notes are included for inquiries about this work]
[Cross Posted on FictionPress]


Yes, I decided to reupload this story after I unexpectedly removed the old one due to many complications.

The old version, uploaded in October 2023, was SUPPOSED TO BE a Twisted Take on the GameCube's 2005 cult classic Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance in an Urban Fantasy setting. However, after reviewing the story in June, I found out a lot of wrong stuff. These included the following:

-Not referencing plots to the main source material and plots to the secondary source materials used in the making
-Urban Fantasy not being tackled properly and correctly.
-Some of the important touching topics not being covered appropriately.
-Lack of storytelling
-Lack of describing scenes and locations

So yeah. Due to all of those listed things, I ended up REMOVING THE OLD VERSION. And so, I decided to remake it and make it better than before. Some of the characters share the same names/roles as in the old one. Except there are some things that are different from the old version from October 2023.

In the endnotes of the story, I will cite credits on what source materials, websites, and other online resources were used in the making of this Urban Fantasy fiction.

On the other hand, I hope you enjoy this revamped version of Continental Conflict: Age of Riot.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

October 7, 2023, Riyadh Palace, Northeastern Riyadh, Continent of Tumultus

56-year-old Mustafa Ahmad, the dictator of the human country of Riyadh, was just about to be separated from his 23-year-old son, Ahmed. Ahmed, who served in Riyadh’s elite military as a wyvern rider, was about to take flight to the city kingdom of Loughton, another human civilization, for a military training exercise started by the civilization’s president, Thomas M. Brown.

The military training exercise, headquartered in the western country of Loughton, sought to see human civilizations of the western Loughton, the eastern Riyadh, and the old southwestern Passyunk Empire to grow their military status. And increase country protection. However, what was going on in Riyadh was something unforgettable.

Maximus Cymraeg, an elite wolf-riding soldier known as a Wolf Knight, served under Mustafa for twenty-five years. However, he was dropped from his military status because Mustafa believed that he was not strong enough to serve in Riyadh’s elite military. Despaired by grief thanks to his former server dropping him out of the Riyadh military, Maximus wanted to kill not only the dictator, but his entire family, including his children. So Maximus, after hearing about Ahmed’s departure to Loughton, decided to follow him on his ebon-black wolf mount.

Cavalry of Wolves Museum, Loughton Wolf Walkers Parade, October 7, 2023

The Cavalry of Wolves Museum, located in southern Loughton, was home to the famous Wolf Walkers Parade. The Wolf Walkers, led by a man named Clinton Picard, was the father of the future successor to the Wolf Walkers, Dimitri Picard, and grandfather to two young teenage children: 15-year-old Isabella and 17-year-old Spencer. Only 61 years old, and still in good physical shape for fighting, he oversaw every single member of the Wolf Walkers Parade and its participants, one of which being its brown-red-haired deputy, Diandra Tiamat.

On the date of October 7, around 6:00 PM, the Wolf Walkers were getting ready for their Six O’Clock Punishment Parade, led by Diandra herself.

“Everything’s in perfect shape, ma’am.” said one of the Wolf Walker soldiers.

“Hah…likely story…” said Diandra. “One of the best and humorous soldiers in the Wolf Walkers I know…”

Ahmed, Mustafa’s son, later arrived on the spot during the Six O’Clock Punishment Parade.

“Ahmed, you’ll need to wait until the punishment parade is over.” said Clinton Picard. “Diandra’s busy at the moment.”

“Yes, sir.” said Ahmed. “I understand well.”

After the inspection of the Wolf Walkers foot soldiers were finished, Diandra went to check on the wolf mounted soldiers. Diandra remained quiet while doing so.

“Wolfmen!” shouted Diandra. “By the rights…Return…Swords!”

The Wolfmen, even the one male soldier on foot, returned their swords.

“Wolfmen! Prepare Dismount!” yelled Diandra.

As the Wolf of the soldier on the right walked forward, he patted his wolf, undid the reins, and proceeded to remove his right foot from the wolf saddle’s stirrup.

“Dismount!” yelled Diandra.

The wolf soldiers later dismounted.

“Wolfmen, By the rights, form single file! Lead, Men!” yelled Diandra.

As the wolfmen led their wolves, the male foot soldier saluted to Diandra. Diandra saluted back. Diandra stood still, as she knew there was still something else to do. Ahmed later came over to her.

“Ah, Ahmed, happy you could make it.” said Diandra.

“And yet, Mustafa, while being the loud and strict dictator he is, decided there should be stricter military on the continent.”

Diandra sighed and said, “Very well”. Ahmed ended up laughing.

As Ahmed and Diandra were going to walk into the archways, something was going on. The howling of a black wolf was heard, and this prompted an evacuation of the entire museum.

“Clinton, what’s going on?” asked one wolf soldier.

“We have to evacuate the area immediately.” said Clinton Picard. “There’s only one person in Riyadh’s dictatorship that has a black wolf with that type of howl: Maximus Cymraeg.”

Thomas M. Brown, Loughton’s human civilization president, was about to go see what exactly was going on. Maximus, atop his ebon-black wolf, was standing outside the gates of the museum.

“Maximus Cymraeg.” said President Thomas. “Have I should have known it would come to this.”

“President Thomas M. Brown, move out of the fucking way right now!” yelled Maximus Cymraeg.

“Never!” yelled President Thomas. “And you do not speak to a world leader like that!”

“OK, you asked for it!” yelled Maximus as he spun around on wolfback and proceeded to do something to President Thomas.

“What…are you–GAH!” yelled President Thomas as he was shot by Maximus in the shoulder. Thomas later collapsed.

“What on earth is going on here?!” asked Ahmed.

Maximus later walked to Ahmed.

“Ahmed Ahmad, right?” asked Maximus Cymraeg.

“Y-Y-Y-Yes sir…” Ahmed said as he gave a salute.

Don’t you dare test my limits! ” Yelled Maximus Cymraeg. “Do you not know your father Mustafa dropped me out of the Riyadh military?!”

“Maximus, he dropped you out because you were disobedient towards the dictator himself.” said Ahmed. “My father !”

“Naturally, it doesn’t even matter anymore!” yelled Maximus. “Shut the fuck up, and let me fucking kill you !!!” he said as he shot Ahmed.

“Ahmed!” yelled Diandra.

“You want to get shot?!” asked Maximus. “Get the fuck back!”

Diandra later ran away.

“Mustafa’s son was shot…” said Clinton. “Such a good person…”

Clinton was later shot dead nineteen times. He died instantly from his injuries.

“Father!” yelled Dimitri Picard.

As Maximus shot at Dimitri, he avoided every shot. Luckily, he was not shot himself from all the shots fired.

Back at Riyadh Palace, Mustafa was alerted that his son had died at the gun of one of his former soldiers.

“My son…is dead?!” asked Mustafa.

“It appears it is like that.” said one of the dictator’s soldiers.

GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!! ” yelled Mustafa. “Who did it?! Who killed my son?!”

“The soldier you dropped out of the military, sir.” said the soldier serving the dictator.

“Maximus Cymraeg?!” asked Mustafa in shock. “ God fucking damn it!

“And if I’m not correct, you told him not to step foot near the Riyadh country leaders anymore, right?” asked the male soldier.

“I…thought I told him that.” said Mustafa. “It looks like he could not accept the fact that I was not putting him back in the military of Riyadh.”

Mustafa was later shot in the hip four times.

“Mustafa? …Mustafa…..? MUSTAFA!!!” yelled the soldier.

“I killed his entire family.” said Maximus Cymraeg as he entered the room. “His wife, his surviving uncles and aunts, and his children. Now I am the true dictator of Riyadh! And I declare that we start a riot on all countries to rid of their elite military forces! And anyone who tries to stop me will be executed!”

After Mustafa’s death, and the death of every single one of his family members, Maximus Cymraeg took the spot of being dictator of Riyadh. This was the start of something called the Tumultus Continental Riot Conflict. Because of this, businesses were forced to close, and curfews were enforced on everyone that was affected. However, the only people allowed out during curfew hours were the elite military personnel and other service workers. No one else was allowed out, or arrests would be made.