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Deep in the attic, locked in a box, many secrets lie and await...


The Characters from 'The Sun and Moon Show' will be treated like normal human beings in this AU of mine but that doesn't mean they ARE human. Thank you.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Picture from the 19s

Chapter Text

Moondrop had always been the less eccentric of him and his brother, Sun and for good reason too. He had to work at a daycare in order to gain some money and while Sun worked with him, much like themselves, their jobs were barely alike. While Sun played with children and kept them entertained at day, Moon on the other hand made sure they fell asleep at night. Yet depsite having to deal with annoying kids all the time, this didn't seem to phase Sun at all. Everyday, after they had left the daycare Sun always seemed to be his chipper self; never seeming tired or exhausted from all the hard work. In a way, he was like a ray of sunshine, and was nice for Moon.


This still didn't change the fact that they had a crappy house. The house was like a demolished building on the inside and even after slaving away in the hot air of the Daycare they still didn't have enough money for renovations. The paint on the walls were peeling, the bathroom sink needed fixing and worst of all there was a horrid stench from the floor which the brothers had to cover their noses every time they walked on the creaking floorboards. Then one day, the stench became so horrendous that the brothers had to go up to the one place where they didn't have to hold their breath to the point of suffocation: The Attic.

Sun was skeptical at first but Moon insisted that they'd stay up in that place since it was the only room where they could breathe. They both made make shift beds for the night and both swore to each other that once they had enough money, the first thing they'd do, was fix up the house.

The attic was tattered with cobwebs and there was a humid hot air that surrounded the room like a horrible presence...but if it meant staying away from that horrible stench...Moon would take it..and besides he had Sun by his side right? Sun and Moon's bed were parallel to each other much like where they normally slept, only now all they had taken from their beds were Sun's cushions, pillow, blanket and the same for Moon only without the cushions. As Sun tried to straighten his blanket, Moon decided to clean up the attic a little to make it look a bit more homely. Moon wandered round the attic, using a duster he found to break any cobwebs that were clinging on to the ceiling and walls while also exploring the things the attic had to offer. When all the cobwebs had been cleared, Moon sighed a breath of exhaustion, proud at his hard work and when he heard Sun calling him, he was just about go to his bed when... He looked at the floor...and found something.

A dusty, wooden box, rectangular in shape and with clasps and a singular lock on it. Moon looked at the direction from where Sun's voice came and then picked up the box. He blew on it to blow any dust away, gave it a single sweep then looked at the box carefully. Golden clasps kept the box tight shut and it didn't seem Moon could just pry it open. Moon sighed, deciding that maybe it would be best to deal with it tomorrow. That was when something glinted in the corner of Moon's eye. Moon turned his head slowly to see a golden key glint in the darkness, a golden glow seemingly surrounding it, kind of like one of those magic keys in fairytales. Moon clasped his metal hand around the key then put and turned the key in the golden lock which was preventing him from opening the box.

It turned.

Moon gently lifted up the lid of the box, careful not to drop it since it was as small as his hand. As it began to reveal more of it's contents, all Moon could hear was his imaginary breaths and the whirring of his wiring as AI raced to know what was in the box.

It was a picture.

A black and white picture, judging from the creases and how crumpled it was, was probably from the 19s. In it was a emotionless looking robot holding a much smaller one in it's arms. The child was clinging on to the older one, a pacifier in it's mouth, the stars on it's hood seemed to glow along with some stripes on it's clothing. Moon couldn't tell what colour fabric they were wearing due to the black and white tint but he could see the half of a symbol representing a biblically accurate angel behind the older animatronic's head glowing bright just like the stars on the hood of that child. It seemed just like any ordinary 19th century picture but something about the photo made Moon feel uneasy. It was like a ball had been dropped in his stomach and there was only one reason why.


The animatronics looked like him and Sun.

Moon gulped, deciding for sure that this time was now the time he should go to sleep. He heard Sun's voice call for him one final time. He looked again at the box then closed the lid of it, turning the key to make sure it was locked again. Moon then turned to go to bed.


But he could have sworn he saw that the older animatronic had a third eye on the right side of his forehead.