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Flightless Bird


A university house party is the perfect hunting ground for young vampires. It has the seductive air of being on the prowl, the ability to lean into carnal desires if one wishes to. Janus did, very much so, and often indulged in these events.

To the untrained eye, the house could have already been intoxicating. It pulsed with music, wild light flashed across the windows. Students were packed into the house, slithering against each, warm, flushed flesh against flesh. It was practically mouth-watering.

Logan was less enthused to witness this feast of awkward indulgence. Logan was never one to draw out a hunt. University parties never seemed to be particularly fruitful either, the blood always taking on a dry twinge due to the alcohol.

But Janus had asked, and seeing that there was no logical reason he should not attend Janus on the literal hunting ground, he came. And as soon as Janus opened the door he immediately regretted coming.



The start of the twilight au.

Honestly, I'm a little nervous posting this! I hope you like it!

Chapter 1: Thorn Bush Turns White That's When I'll Go Home

Chapter Text

The library was magic.

At least that's what Patton always said. Roman tended to agree with him, the library had a certain flair to it. It must be faeries

Well, if you asked Remus, he would say his brother was an idiot and was completely missing the point of the library.

What's the point of having a giant gothic building in the depths of Forks if there were no monsters in it? They had visited it plenty of times on particularly rainy days when they were kids. Even as a child, Remus wanted to scoff at the very notion. Of course, there were no fairies, or princes, or wizards hiding in the library. it must be dragons!

Or a pit of snakes if you pulled the wrong book. Remus was certain when he was smaller, that a giant snake guarded the library, huge yellow eyes stalked his every movement.

But that was when they were kids. Now they were all grown up. Remus still believed in monsters. He just knew they didn't have scales.

Or at least, he thought so.


"Of course it's raining," Roman grumbled, slinging his backpack across his shoulder. His tan almost looked comical against the flushed rose of his jumper. Roman did not do cold, or wet, or dark clouds. The slashes of rain already made him shudder.

"I can finally-" Remus stretched, and gave a wild howl as his back clicked. He flung forward, landing in a bizarre squat. Roman groaned. "I can finally move my body!"

Roman huffed again, dragging a perfectly manicured hand down his face. Fumbling with the last of their bags, he turned back to his brother. Remus was still in that ridiculous squat but had slacked, all limbs hanging down his side. He was staring off into the distance, eyes slightly lost.

"Dads out there," he said finally. Roman nodded, instantly understanding the anxiousness bubbling building in his brother. Despite how tiny the airport was, they both felt incredibly lost, as if they were tumbling into the white abyss of tile flooring. The twins hadn't visited their father in two years, it was natural they'd feel a bit anxious.

Even so, Remus couldn't ignore the sick turning in his stomach. He still didn't feel like his feet had touched the ground. He was high off, floating somewhere above the clouds still.

Swallowing his unease, he snatched a bag from Roman and marched towards the airport doors.

"Come on," he sighed, "let's not keep the old man waiting."


The thirst was unbearable.

It choked him, like flames licking his throat.

He was insatiable. This raging fire would surely drive him mad.

"It won't kill you." A soft voice cooed, just as sharp pain crackled through his head. A hand shot out, grasping knots of hair, "it'll just hurt like hell."

The voice was right, the thirst didn't kill Logan. No matter how long he went without food, no matter how long he burnt, nothing could fully kill him.

This bloody lecturer might though.

The lecture hall was buzzing. A swarm of inconsequential chatter. Of parties and late assignments and who kissed who. One thread seemed to entangle itself into the very air, however, appeared to stick like honey.

The concept of fresh meat appeared to have gotten everyone into a tizz, which did not go unnoticed by Janus.

"Have we ever met them?" Janus asked, leaning further back in his chair. Logan thought for a moment, running the pen in hand between his teeth.

"No," he concluded, "though I can't imagine they'll be extremely interesting."

Janus hummed, eyeing a pair of students, who seemed to also be engrossed in gossiping about the arrival of the twins.

"Bout time I had a brand new plaything."

Logan rolled his eyes, and bristled slightly, "I can't imagine they'll be any different to anyone else here Janus."

"I heard one of them is an actor." Janus hummed.

Logan finally whipped the pen out of his mouth, "and why pray tell, is that notable?"

Janus shrugged, a lazy grin spreading across his lips. "I've always loved a damsel."

Logan groaned, threading his hands through his hair.

Just one more hour he thought to himself, snatching his hands back into place, and stiffened in his chair. Janus didn't falter his teasing.

"The other one is apparently much more...eccentric." Janus thought for a moment, "They seem fun."

"Well," Logan spat, ignoring the heat flooding his senses. "You can tell more all about it."

Janus snorted, slumping fully.

"You were never good at sharing."

The pen in Logan's hand snapped, spilling dark ink over his hand.

Janus smirked.