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OpenAPI does what Swagger don't

By Arnaud Lauret, September 21, 2022

Let’s compare versions Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0, and 3.1 to demonstrate the benefits of the new features introduced by 3.x versions to create more precise, better documented, more practical, and future-proof API contract descriptions.


Le Clash REST vs GraphQL

By Nicolas Barrasson & Jonathan Jalouzot & Arnaud Lauret, December 9, 2021

L’idée folle de l’équipe Microsoft User Group France pour API Days Paris 2021: un clash REST (représenté par votre serviteur) vs GraphQL (représenté par Jonathan Jalouzot, tenancier du Meetup GraphQL Paris) arbitré par Nicolas Barrasson.


Talking about The Design of Web APIs with Erik Wilde

By Erik Wilde & Arnaud Lauret, November 30, 2021

Had a great time chatting with Erik Wilde about the motivation for writing The Design of Web APIs book, and why it specifically focuses on the design aspect of the API lifecycle (and also why it is not titled The Implementation of Web APIs).


Taking advantage of OpenAPI for API Design reviews

By Arnaud Lauret, September 28, 2021

After my first recorded live demo session, here comes my first non recorded actually live session in which I show how I take advantage of the OpenAPI Specification during API design reviews. Note that I experienced some technical issues during this session, you’ll find the story in my “Barely surviving my first live (non recorded) demo session” post.


Toro Cloud's Coding Over Cocktails Podcast: The Design of Web APIs

By David Brown & Kevin Montalbo & Arnaud Lauret, September 16, 2021

I was invited by David Brown and Kevin Montalbo for Toro Cloud’s Coding Over Cocktail podcast. We discussed API consistency, how to make your APIs more discoverable, defining and setting the boundaries between an API gateway and API implementation, and choosing the right API architecture and technology for the right problem.


Stoplight's API Intersection Podcast: The Ultimate Guide to Style Guides

By Jason Harmon & Adam Duvander & Arnaud Lauret, September 15, 2021

I was invited to Stoplight’s API Intersection podcast hosted by my two good friends Jason Harmon and Adam Duvander. As it was Stoplight’s “Style Guide September”, we discussed one of my favorite topics, covered quickly in my book The Design of Web APIs, and that I practice everyday helping people to create APIs: API design style guides.


Electro Monkeys Podcast - Le Design des APIs Web

By Stéphane Beuret & Arnaud Lauret, August 25, 2021

C’est avec un grand plaisir que j’ai répondu à l’invitation de Stéphane Beuret pour parler d’API (en français pour une fois) dans son podcast Electro Monkeys. On y parle de lavabo, de mon livre (The Design of Web APIs, en anglais lui) mais aussi et surtout de design d’API, de sécurité, cycle de vie et gestion des erreurs. Toutes ces choses auxquelles il faut penser pour faire de bonnes API Web.


Supercharge OpenAPI to efficiently describe APIs

By Arnaud Lauret, August 3, 2021

If you want to discover the OpenAPI Specification format, this video is for you! In my first ever (recorded) live coding session, given at the 2021 Manning API Conference, I demonstrate basic, advanced, and even hidden features that will help you to efficiently create complete, accurate, and maintainable API descriptions when designing documenting APIs.


Human Centered API Governance

By Arnaud Lauret, June 30, 2021
For many, governance is a scary word, but it’s up to us, API practitioners to make that change and make people love it. That could be done if we build a human centered and pragmatic API governance focusing more on helping and training people than controlling and coercing them

Generating OpenAPI Descriptions. When is it a good idea?

By Erik Wilde & Arnaud Lauret, June 1, 2021

As a follow up of my “6 reasons why generating OpenAPI sucks” post, I had the pleasure to talk about “is it a good idea to generate OpenAPI descriptions?” with Erik Wilde. In this discussion, we answer this questions at various stages of the API lifecycle: design time, code time, and runtime.

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