David Gendelberg, MD
Assistant Professor
Orthopaedic Surgery
School of Medicine

david.gendelberg@ucsf.edu 628-206-8812

Dr. Gendelberg is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in complex spinal surgery and trauma. His expertise in spinal conditions includes care for degenerative spine conditions, scoliosis, minimally invasive techniques and spinal fractures. He directs the orthopedic spine service at San Jose Regional Medical Center.

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Dr. Gendelberg’s research focuses on management of spinal injuries, delivering care to the underserved, minimally invasive techniques and bone health.

After earning his medical degree at Rutgers- Robert Wood Johnson, Dr. Gendelberg completed a residency in orthopedic surgery at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. He completed fellowships in spine surgery at the University of Washington - Harborview Medical Center as well as in minimally invasive spinal surgery under Neel Anand MD at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.

Education & Training

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  • Orthopaedic Trauma University of California, San Francisco 07/2022
  • Comprehensive Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery The Anand Spine Group and DOCS Spine + Orthopaedics 07/2021
  • Spinal Surgery University of Washington - Harborview Medical Center 07/2018
  • Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Penn State Hershey Medical Center 06/2017
  • MD Medicine Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 05/2012
  • BS Biomedical Engineering Rutgers University 05/2007

Publications (32)

Top publication keywords:
Lumbar VertebraeMeta-Analysis as TopicSpinal FracturesArthritis, InfectiousSpineSpinal FusionThoracic VertebraeSafety ManagementForearm InjuriesFracture FixationGuidelines as TopicSpondylolisthesisRadiation ExposureLyme DiseaseOccupational Exposure

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