Chelsea Bahney, PhD
Associate Professor
Orthopaedic Surgery
School of Medicine

The overall goal of my research is to develop novel therapies for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and injuries. Specifically, I believe we can drive improved tissue regeneration by recapitulating the normal sequences of development and repair.

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To accomplish this “Developmental Engineering” approach our laboratory utilizes a cross-disciplinary tools combining biologically modified synthetic polymers, stem cell biology, and murine models of orthopaedic injuries. The long-term goal of our research is to solve problems that will have a direct and significant impact on human health.

Current Projects:

(1) Tissue engineering strategies to promote endochondral bone regeneration (2) Transdifferentiation of cartilage to bone during fracture repair and osteoarthritis (3) The role of the nerve in fracture repair (4) Polytraumatic Injuries: How brain trauma influences fracture healing (5) Impedance sensors to monitor fracture healing

Education & Training

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  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship Orthopaedic Surgery University of California, San Francisco 04/2014
  • PhD Stem Cell & Developmental Biology Oregon Health & Science University 08/2010
  • R&D Engineer Valleylab (now Medtronic) 08/2005
  • BS Chemical Engineering University of Colorado 06/2001


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Grants and Projects

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Publications (78)

Top publication keywords:
Neovascularization, PhysiologicCartilageBone RegenerationFractures, BoneOsteoarthritisTissue EngineeringOrthopedicsCollagen Type XBony CallusChondrocytesBone and BonesFracture HealingOsteogenesisFractures, UnunitedTibial Fractures

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