Ahh, I definitely see what you're talking about, however, just imo, others might feel differently, the current wording does feel very harsh, as even the peaceful endings are hard to get, and when I saw "it only delayed the inevitable," I thought that was almost a fail state lol, and then the actual outcomes were all so positive and happy, even if not perfect it felt like such a tone shift. Such a tone shift that I literally thought it was a bug :P Maybe something a bit more like "a tenuous peace was formed, though whether it lasted would be up to future generations." and not have the kinda sad music playing lol
Part of the reason I feel that way, I think, is because yes generations later something bad might happen, but that doesn't negate the good that was done NOW, by our MC's generation, who forged something very difficult. After all, Katyia's legacy doesn't last perfectly forever if we fail, but that doesn't mean it wasn't impactful and important and saved millions of lives. ofc, securing peace for everyone isn't permanent, the world is ALWAYS going to keep changing, laws of entropy and all that, but especially with so many countries performing cultural exchanges and learning and growing, it seemed harsh to just say what the ending did, and again, it was such a stark contrast to how the scenes themselves afterwards panned out. The island itself disappearing was also disappointing when you manage an all-peace ending, but that might just be my personal taste. Though why wasn't revaire's bloody revolution installing the current regime enough to make the island disappear in the first place? that seems more serious than just the potential for some war in the future that the MC's generation has no control over, but also going by that, it wouldn't be breaking the code if revaire had another revolution, right? so maybe all peace except revaire?
I do think I had better endings for the other countries when I didn't spend time creating a peaceful revoluton in reviaire, but the tonal shift for that ending was also a bit jarring, "history remembered your summit as bad," and then it was just revaire's revolution (which is hard to find, discover, and stop) seems harsh as well, when every other nation came out with unprecedented peace and cultural exchanges, etc etc etc.
I think keeping the criteria for the ending state itself rather strict is fine, I just think the wording of it made it seem like imperfect peace is worth almost nothing, when the info that followed it was all bright and happy, you know?