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From the River to the Sea


The NATO backed Israeli genocide of the Palestinians people have removed many misconceptions the world, and the citizens of these NATO nations have had about their countries in global north. It has exposed the ruling political elites, that is, it is not as righteous as it has been projecting itself to the world. They don’t believe in democratic values. They don’t have the freedom to make their own independent decisions. Justice, equality, freedom of speech, human rights, rule of law, blah blah blah are just limited to the texts and speeches only.

What the global citizens have realized is that Western nations is being led by bunch of racist genocidal politicians, who are enslaved and subservient to strong Zionist led lobbies. They do not give a rats’ ass about democracy, human rights, equality, freedom of speech and human life. They are cold, and callous. Finally, they will go to any extent to maintain their power, control, and their superiority – White Supremacy – over global south, especially towards the countries they’ve colonized, and any individual or nation daring to challenge their superiority will be meted with brute force and annihilation. Hence, the world watched as one nation, United States Vetoed the will of all countries at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in endorsing the Israeli genocide, while the diplomats from every nation sat in their chairs and just watched. 

The enduring resistance and steel-willed Palestinians have not only exposed the hypocrisy and double standards which the global north employes to maintain its upper hand on the global south. It has also stripped the façade of Islamic unity and disrobed the hypocrisy and cowardness of the Islamic countries and their incompetent and impotent leadership. It seems as if every nation in the world is enslaved and entrapped by powerful forces which reign the world order and the only people who are liberated from this global slavery are the Palestinians.  withstanding 81 days of constant bombardment, 20,000 dead, 9000 missing, 70,000 injured, 300,000 diseased, 1,000,000 starved and 2,000,000 displaced. Yet, without food, running water, electricity, medicine, and functional hospital are still standing strong. 

When examining the western political leaders hypocrisy internationally, the biggest disappointment is Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who after his landslide victory in 2015 elections emerged as the poster child of western democratic values of inclusion, equality, human rights, representing the youth worldwide – the hipster selfie generation PM who will set an example for other western nation on how to lead. 

Unfortunately, the independent and unconventional young PM was the very first western leader to have the façade of the embodiment of western democratic values ripped-off his face, immediately on October 7th for his unconditional support for the genocidal apartheid State of Israel. 

He didn’t stop there, he continued to make a fool of himself. Thus, rightfully becoming the subject of memes by young TikTokers worldwide for his stuttering and incomplete demand for the ceasefire, “We need to see a cease…” As he tippytoed around and changing course to “We need to see the ceasing of the levels of violence that we are seeing” and eventually showing the world what a fool he is by saying, “We need to see a humanitarian pause.” Leaving the entire world aghast. What the hell is a “Humanitarian pause?” How do you “Pause” the most graphic and live genocide and ethnic cleansing the world has ever witnessed, everyone asked?  

Canadians and other smaller western democracies also discovered that their political leaders are also not so independent and unconventional after all. Their decisions, especially of Canada’s are dictated by Washington, whether it be a vote at the UNGA regarding Israel or taking an ethical stand against a genocide. A slight mention of ceasefire by Trudeau in early November was rebuked immediately by Israeli PM, Netanyahu on X, and Trudeau immediately dispatched his cabinet ministers to Tel Aviv to put out the fire. 

After intense pressure from Canadians, as he realized he has alienated his vote bank. Trudeau after seventy plus days before he could even make a call for ceasefire. Yet he could not muster enough courage to do it on his own and was pathetically dependent on two crutches – Australia and New Zealand – to issue a “joint” statement – a lip service – calling for ceasefire. Since then, he’s practically gone AWOL, and does not seem to have made any efforts to give meaning to his call for ceasefire. In fact, his government has agreed to join a US led coalition to protect the Israeli ships navigating through the Red Sea from the Yemeni Houthis. 

The bare-naked hypocrisy of western politicians is blatantly obvious. From censuring elected officials from speaking in the legislature, Sarah Jama, NDP Ontario, to Rashida Tlaib in the US Congress, for calling for ceasefire, or raising concerns over genocide, to BC NDP, Premier, David Eby, categorically turning a blind eye to thousands of calls to hold his cabinet minister responsible for blatantly spreading Islamophobia, from her social media account. 

Some western countries, France and Germany have passed legislations making anti-war protests illegal. Other countries, including Canada have arrested protestors. 

Whether its media suppression or shadow banning pro-Palestinian contents on the social media, the western politicians have opted to categorically look the other way, as social media platforms, and news corporations, including publicly funded news agency like CBC, make mockery of the fourth pillar of democracy. 

The most absurd of all is politicians trying to pass legislation on behest of the Zionists claim that the term “From the River to the Sea” has “antisemitic” connotation. On November 7th, the American Congress, both the Republicans and the Democrats unanimously censured the only Palestinian Congress Women, Rashida Tlaib from speaking in the house. Thus, making the term illegal in the United States. 

Little do they know that this term was also part of the 1977 election manifesto of the right-wing Israeli Likud party said: "Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."

The western political leadership, whether for the right, and more like wrong reasons have liquidated the western democratic values, and this will forever be their legacy. 

The western citizens in coming years through electoral process must get rid of these short-sighted and weak-knead politicians, with those who will stand up, uphold, and enforce the western democratic values for the benefit of all global citizens. 
