Google Maps

The new "you are here" feature on the mobile version of Google Maps looks, as Matt Jones said, "indistinguishable from magic." But it doesn't work on my phone. Grrr...

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YouTube - Microformats in Google Maps + Operator

Ian Lloyd gets search results for curry houses in Swindon from Google Maps to his phone in less than 60 seconds. All thanks to hCard.

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geoTrad - Google My Maps

Well, this is a rather wonderful mashup made with data from

The distribution of Irish traditional tunes which reference place names in Ireland

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Google Maps’s Moat

A fascinating bit of cartographic reverse engineering, looking at how Google has an incredible level of satellite-delivered building detail that then goes into solving the design problem of marking “commercial corridors” (or Areas Of Interest) on their maps.

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Google Night Walk

A nice stroll around Marseilles at night without any of the traditional danger.

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Communal satellite eyes. A Mac screensaver is also available.

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