Google Code Blog: URLs are People, Too

This is great news! Brad Fitzpatrick and Kevin Marks have built a new Google API that will spider XFN links.

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Portal Me

A person-specific portal generated using Google's Social Graph API. And it's less than 5K!

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Qwerly: API Documentation

It's down for me right now, but this API from Qwerly looks like a great addition to complement Google's Social Graph API — it finds rel="me" links from a Twitter username.

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Enhance User Profiles with Google’s Social Graph API [Ruby & Rails]

Some Ruby on Rails code for enhancing sign-up forms using Google's Social Graph API, inspired by Huffduffer.

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Social Graph Explorer | Madgex Lab

Holy freaking crap! Glenn's Social Graph Explorer is bloody brilliant!

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Portable Social Networks: Take Your Friends with You [Content]

Brian's article on portable social networks is a clear and concise introduction to the subject with explanations of the technologies involved.

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More thoughts on portable social networks

The Web is about distribution, not centralisation.