A Conspiracy To Kill IE6
This is a fascinating story of psychological manipulation and internal politics. It leaves me feeling queasy about the amount of power wielded by individuals in one single organisation.
Trammell outlines the thoughtful, research-based approach that Digg will be taking in phasing out IE6 support.
This is a fascinating story of psychological manipulation and internal politics. It leaves me feeling queasy about the amount of power wielded by individuals in one single organisation.
A poster campaign aimed at encouraging IT departments to upgrade company browser policy.
This is kinda sneaky but quite clever. Subtly encourage IE6 users to upgrade.
Bid farewell to IE6.
A great article by Malarkey wherein he lists five examples of progressive enrichment (as Dan is wont to call it) complete with side-by-side comparisons. Useful ammo, this.
Some clarification.
The hacks we shouldn’t have to do.