Do You Like Rock Music?

I spent Friday morning in band practice with Salter Cane. It was productive. We’ve got some new songs that are coming together nicely. We’re still short a drummer though, so if you know anyone in Brighton who might be interested, let me know.

As we were packing up, we could here the band next door. They were really good. Just the kind of alt-country rock that would go nicely with Salter Cane.

On the way out, Jessica asked at the front desk who that band was. They’re called The Roebucks.

When I got home I Ducked, Ducked and Went to find out more information. There’s a Bandcamp page with one song. Good stuff. I also found their Facebook page. That’s where I saw this little tidbit:

Hello, we are supporting @seapowerband at @chalk_venue on the 30th of October. Hope you can make it!

Wait, that’s this very weekend! And I love Sea Power (formerly British Sea Power—they changed their name, which was a move that only annoyed the very people who’s worldviews prompted the name change in the first place). How did I not know about this gig? And how are there tickets still available?

And that’s how I came to spend my Sunday evening rocking out to two great bands.

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Previously on this day

3 years ago I wrote Four days

A balancing act.

5 years ago I wrote Indy maps

It’s not the years, honey. It’s the mileage.

7 years ago I wrote Speak and repeat

The lifecycle of a conference talk.

13 years ago I wrote Carpenter

I have come here to watch an all-night movie marathon and chew bubblegum. And I am all out of bubblegum.

20 years ago I wrote Let sleeping iPods die

After a Friday afternoon meeting over at Semantico, I decided to swing by the local Cancom shop and browse through whatever Apple goodies they might have in stock.

22 years ago I wrote The Pumpkin Queen

Not only does Jessica carve a scary looking Jack O’Lantern, she also makes a mean roasted garlic pumpkin bisque with herb potato dumplings.

23 years ago I wrote Bairin Breac

A quick update to my previous entry: I found a recipe for that cake.

23 years ago I wrote Halloween

Happy Halloween.