Design engineering on the Clearleft podcast

If you’re subscribed to the Clearleft podcast, then the latest episode is winging its way through the ether to your podcast software. The topic is one close to my heart: design engineering.

I wrote about this role back in February. I think my fervour comes across in that post and you can probably hear it in the podcast episode too.

As ever, I end up asking the question, “So what exactly is insert topic of the podcast episode here?”

I’ve got some smart folks answering that question. There’s an excerpt from Tobias Ahlin’s talk at this year’s UX Fest. And when I interviewed Adekunle Oduye for a previous episode on prototyping, we also discussed design engineering so I pulled out the relevant bits. But the bulk of the episode features the voice of Trys Mudford.

As you can gather from the many posts on Trys’s blog, he has a lot to say on the topic of design engineering. Luckily for me, he says it all with a clear, articulate delivery—the perfect podcast guest!

This episode finishes with a call to action (oh, the synergy!). If, after listening to 23 minutes of discussion on design engineering, you find yourself thinking “Hey, I think I might be a design engineer!”, then you should definitely head along to this job opening at Clearleft:

We’re currently looking for a design-friendly front-end developer with demonstrable skills in pattern-based prototyping and production.

Have a listen to episode two of season three of the Clearleft podcast and if you like what you hear, come and join us!

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# Liked by Frank Stallone 🧘🏻‍♂️ on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 at 12:04pm

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Previously on this day

4 years ago I wrote A declarative Web Share API

button type=”share”

11 years ago I wrote Parsing webmentions

Hell has frozen over …you can now comment on my site. But there’s a catch.

12 years ago I wrote Listen to Brighton SF

The audio (and transcript) is available for your listening (and reading) pleasure.

13 years ago I wrote Boston Global Scope

This. This is how we should build for the web.

15 years ago I wrote The devil in the details

The HTML5 spec has been updated again.

15 years ago I wrote Wayfinders keepers

I want you to show me the way.

16 years ago I wrote Self loathing for Sumo

I’m a cheap and dirty little blogslut.

23 years ago I wrote Adactizilla

It’s time for a new CSS theme ‘round here.