Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Lluís Màrquez, Harold Somers (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- 2009.eamt-1
- Month:
- May 14–15
- Year:
- 2009
- Address:
- Barcelona, Spain
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- European Association for Machine Translation
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Lluís Màrquez
Harold Somers
The Jungle is Neutral - Newcomer Languages Face New Media
Nicholas Ostler
Adaptable, Community-Controlled, Language Technologies for Language Maintenance
Lori Levin
Character-Based PSMT for Closely Related Languages
Jörg Tiedemann
TS3: an Improved Version of the Bilingual Concordancer TransSearch
Stéphane Huet
Julien Bourdaillet
Philippe Langlais
Estimating the Sentence-Level Quality of Machine Translation Systems
Lucia Specia
Marco Turchi
Nicola Cancedda
Nello Cristianini
Marc Dymetman
Evaluation-Guided Pre-Editing of Source Text: Improving MT-Tractability of Light Verb Constructions
Bogdan Babych
Anthony Hartley
Serge Sharoff
Learning Labelled Dependencies in Machine Translation Evaluation
Yifan He
Andy Way
Improving a Catalan-Spanish Statistical Translation System using Morphosyntactic Knowledge
Mireia Farrús
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Marc Poch
Adolfo Hernández
José B. Mariño
Use of Rich Linguistic Information to Translate Prepositions and Grammar Cases to Basque
Eneko Agirre
Aitziber Atutxa
Gorka Labaka
Mikel Lersundi
Aingeru Mayor
Kepa Sarasola
Gappy Translation Units under Left-to-Right SMT Decoding
Josep M. Crego
François Yvon
Relevance of Different Segmentation Options on Spanish-Basque SMT
Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza
Gorka Labaka
Kepa Sarasola
English–Latvian Toponym Processing: Translation Strategies and Linguistic Patterns
Tatiana Gornostay
Inguna Skadiņa
An Environment for Named Entity Recognition and Translation
Filip Graliński
Krzysztof Jassem
Michał Marcińczuk
Optimal Bilingual Data for French-English PB-SMT
Sylwia Ozdowska
Andy Way
Word- and Sentence-Level Confidence Measures for Machine Translation
Sylvain Raybaud
Caroline Lavecchia
David Langlois
Kamel Smaïli
Translating Questions for Cross-Lingual QA
Jörg Tiedemann
Developing Prototypes for Machine Translation between Two Sami Languages
Francis M. Tyers
Linda Wiechetek
Trond Trosterud
Collocations in a Rule-Based MT System: A Case Study Evaluation of their Translation Adequacy
Eric Wehrli
Violeta Seretan
Luka Nerima
Lorenza Russo
Automatic Translation of Norwegian Noun Compounds
Lars Bungum
Stephan Oepen
Marker-Based Filtering of Bilingual Phrase Pairs for SMT
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez
Andy Way
Tree-Based Target Language Modeling
Vincent Vandeghinste
Language Model Adaptation for Difficult to Translate Phrases
Behrang Mohit
Frank Liberato
Rebecca Hwa
A Phrase-Based Hidden Semi-Markov Approach to Machine Translation
Jesús Andrés-Ferrer
Alfons Juan
Building Strong Multilingual Aligned Corpora
Reza Bosagh Zadeh
A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Machine Translation
Sander Canisius
Antal van den Bosch
Introducing the Autshumato Integrated Translation Environment
Hendrik J. Groenewald
Wildrich Fourie
A New Subtree-Transfer Approach to Syntax-Based Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation
Maxim Khalilov
José A. R. Fonollosa
Mark Dras
On Extracting Multiword NP Terminology for MT
Svetlana Sheremetyeva
Rule-Based Augmentation of Training Data in Breton-French Statistical Machine Translation
Francis M. Tyers
Can Semantic Role Labeling Improve SMT?
Dekai Wu
Pascale Fung
Are Unaligned Words Important for Machine Translation?
Yuqi Zhang
Evgeny Matusov
Hermann Ney
Using Supertags as Source Language Context in SMT
Rejwanul Haque
Sudip Kumar Naskar
Yanjun Ma
Andy Way
On LM Heuristics for the Cube Growing Algorithm
David Vilar
Hermann Ney
Tuning Syntactically Enhanced Word Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation
Yanjun Ma
Patrik Lambert
Andy Way