%0 Conference Proceedings %T IIT Bombay’s English-Indonesian submission at WAT: Integrating Neural Language Models with SMT %A Singh, Sandhya %A Kunchukuttan, Anoop %A Bhattacharyya, Pushpak %Y Nakazawa, Toshiaki %Y Mino, Hideya %Y Ding, Chenchen %Y Goto, Isao %Y Neubig, Graham %Y Kurohashi, Sadao %Y Riza, Ir. Hammam %Y Bhattacharyya, Pushpak %S Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2016) %D 2016 %8 December %I The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee %C Osaka, Japan %F singh-etal-2016-iit %X This paper describes the IIT Bombay’s submission as a part of the shared task in WAT 2016 for English–Indonesian language pair. The results reported here are for both the direction of the language pair. Among the various approaches experimented, Operation Sequence Model (OSM) and Neural Language Model have been submitted for WAT. The OSM approach integrates translation and reordering process resulting in relatively improved translation. Similarly the neural experiment integrates Neural Language Model with Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) as a feature for translation. The Neural Probabilistic Language Model (NPLM) gave relatively high BLEU points for Indonesian to English translation system while the Neural Network Joint Model (NNJM) performed better for English to Indonesian direction of translation system. The results indicate improvement over the baseline Phrase-based SMT by 0.61 BLEU points for English-Indonesian system and 0.55 BLEU points for Indonesian-English translation system. %U https://aclanthology.org/W16-4604 %P 68-74