1 Introduction

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has been proposed as one of the tipping elements in the climate system (Lenton et al., 2008; Armstrong McKay et al., 2022), indicating that it may undergo a relatively rapid change under a slowly developing forcing. The AMOC is thought to be particularly sensitive to the freshwater forcing, either through the surface freshwater flux, through input of freshwater due to ice melt (e.g. from the Greenland Ice Sheet) or through river runoff (Rahmstorf et al., 2005). These freshwater fluxes affect the meridional density differences in the ocean which control the AMOC strength and change the heat and salt transport carried by AMOC (Marotzke, 2000).

From conceptual models, the tipping behaviour is clearly related to the multi-stability properties of the AMOC. For example, in the Stommel two-box model (Stommel, 1961), there is an interval of the surface freshwater forcing where two stable steady AMOC states exist and tipping occurs due to transitions between these states. The central feedback responsible for the tipping behaviour is the salt-advection feedback, where a freshwater perturbation in the North Atlantic causes a weakening of the AMOC which leads to less northward salt transport and hence amplification of the perturbation (Marotzke, 2000).

Precise boundaries of the multiple-equilibrium regime of the AMOC have been obtained using conceptual models (Cessi, 1994; Cimatoribus et al., 2012) and fully-implicit ocean-climate models (De Niet et al., 2007; Toom et al., 2012; Mulder et al., 2021). One of the important results of these studies is that the existence of the multiple-equilibrium regime can be related (in these models) to an observable quantity (Rahmstorf, 1996), now often called the AMOC stability (or regime) indicator. This indicator has many different notations in the literature, e.g. Mov (De Vries and Weber, 2005) or Fov (Hawkins et al., 2011). Here, we will follow Weijer et al. (2019) and use FovS (FovN) as the freshwater transport carried by the AMOC over the southern (northern) boundary at 35°S (60°N) of the Atlantic basin (Dijkstra, 2007; Huisman et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2017). Available observations (Bryden et al., 2011) show that the present-day AMOC is exporting freshwater out of the Atlantic (FovS < 0). It is known that FovS ignores some relevant processes (Gent, 2018), but if one accepts that FovS is a proper indicator, the AMOC is in a multiple-equilibrium regime based on its observed values (Weijer et al., 2019).

Less precise estimates of the multiple-equilibrium regime boundaries can be obtained from global climate models. In so-called quasi-equilibrium experiments, the freshwater forcing is changed very slowly such that the model state stays close to the (slowly changing) equilibrium. When the freshwater forcing is varied in both directions and covers the multiple-equilibrium regime, regime boundaries can be inferred from the so-called hysteresis width, i.e. the freshwater forcing values where the AMOC collapses and recovers. The rate of forcing is important here and if this is much faster than the equilibration time scale of the steady state, the approximations of the regime boundaries become worse and also rate-induced tipping may occur (Lohmann et al., 2021). Such quasi-equilibrium experiments have been performed with many ocean-only models (Cini et al., 2024; Lohmann et al., 2024), Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity (EMICs) (Rahmstorf et al., 2005) and the FAMOUS model, the latter being a Global Climate Model (GCM) with a relatively coarse horizontal ocean resolution of 2.5° × 3.75° (Hawkins et al., 2011). AMOC hysteresis behaviour has also been investigated in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM3) (Hu et al., 2012) and recently in the Community Earth System Model (van Westen and Dijkstra, 2023; van Westen et al., 2024).

Mostly due to computational constraints, the AMOC response to only particular freshwater forcing perturbations is often considered in state-of-the-art GCMs. In these so-called ‘hosing experiments’ (Stouffer et al., 2006), quite a diversity of model behaviour is found. It is not known whether a multiple-equilibrium AMOC regime exists in such models and only sporadic indications of such a regime have been found (Mecking et al., 2016; Jackson and Wood, 2018a, b). The problem is that it is difficult to assess whether the weak AMOC states resulting from the freshwater input are equilibrium solutions of the models. What these model studies certainly have shown is that an AMOC weakening would have severe impacts on the climate system, affecting sea level and regional temperatures in many areas around the world (Vellinga et al., 2002; Jackson et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2020; Orihuela-Pinto et al., 2022).

Of course, the real present-day AMOC may not have a multiple equilibrium regime and GCMs may model that correctly. On the other hand, the real AMOC may be in a multiple equilibrium regime, and the GCMs may not capture it. In that case, the GCMs misrepresent (or miss) crucial processes, such that they do not display tipping behaviour. A prominent example is the incorrect representation of ocean eddy transport processes in GCMs, which may prevent the existence of a multi-stable AMOC regime. Another possibility is that GCMs capture the relevant processes but the parameters in the models are not correct, such that a multi-stable regime does not occur due to model biases. An example of this is that many GCMs are considered to have a too stable AMOC due to biases in the freshwater transport in the Atlantic Ocean (Drijfhout et al., 2013; Mecking et al., 2016).

In van Westen and Dijkstra (2024), surface salinity biases were evaluated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects (CMIP) phase 6 (CMIP6) models using historical simulations and comparing them to reanalysis data over the period 1994–2020. It was shown that several persistent biases in state-of-the-art climate models lead to an AMOC with an Atlantic freshwater transport that is in disagreement with observations (i.e., many models have FovS > 0). They also demonstrate that increasing the horizontal ocean and atmospheric resolution in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) does not reduce the various FovS biases. The largest FovS bias is caused by a too positive surface freshwater flux over the Indian Ocean, which is shown in Figure 1 for the high-resolution CESM (HR-CESM, 0.1° ocean and 0.25° atmosphere) and low-resolution CESM (LR-CESM, 1° ocean and 1° atmosphere) compared to reanalysis (i.e., ERA5). These positive freshwater fluxes cause a too fresh Indian Ocean and (via advection) Agulhas Leakage. This leads to an overestimation of the Atlantic freshwater import at 34°S and hence to larger values of FovS than in reanalysis.

Figure 1 

The present-day (1994–2020) P-E bias (w.r.t. ERA5) for the (a): HR-CESM and (b): LR-CESM. The spatially-averaged P-E biases over the red-outlined region are 0.04 Sv and 0.05 Sv, respectively.

Motivated by these results, we extend the bifurcation analysis on the global ocean-climate model as in Dijkstra (2007) and determine the effects of Indian Ocean surface freshwater flux biases on the multi-stable regime of the AMOC. In section 2, the fully-implicit model used is shortly summarised and the continuation methodology to compute bifurcation diagrams is described. Then in section 3, we focus on the effect of freshwater biases on the bifurcation diagrams. Mechanisms of the shift in the multi-stable regimes are analysed using the freshwater balance over the Atlantic. A summary and discussion follows in section 4.

2 Formulation

2.1 Model

The fully-implicit global ocean model used in this study is described in detail in Dijkstra and Weijer (2005) to which the reader is referred for full details. In the AMOC model hierarchy (Dijkstra, 2024), this model is located between idealised multi-basin ocean-only models and EMICs. The model captures global ocean flows at low resolution but has a strongly simplified atmospheric model. Through the implicit setup, steady states can be determined versus parameters without using any time stepping, as explained in more detail in the next subsection below.

The governing equations of the ocean model are the hydrostatic, primitive equations in spherical coordinates on a global domain which includes continental geometry as well as bottom topography. The ocean velocities in eastward (zonal) and northward (meridional) directions are indicated by u and v, the vertical velocity is indicated by w, the pressure by p and the temperature and salinity by T and S, respectively. The horizontal resolution of the model is about 4° (a 96 × 38 Arakawa C-grid on a domain [180° W,180°E] × [85.5°S, 85.5°N]) and the grid has 12 vertical levels. The vertical grid is non-equidistant with the surface (bottom) layer having a thickness of 50 m (1000 m), respectively.

Vertical and horizontal mixing of momentum and of tracers (i.e., heat and salt) are represented by a Laplacian formulation with prescribed ‘eddy’ viscosities AH and AV and eddy diffusivities KH and KV, respectively. As in Dijkstra (2007), we will use the depth dependent values of KV and KH (Bryan and Lewis, 1979; England, 1993) given by


with z ∈ [–5000, 0] m. Here, KH0=0.5×103 m2s–1, Ar = 1.0 × 103 m2s–1, KV0=8.0×105 m2s–1, As = 3.3 × 10–5 m2s–1, λV = 4.5 × 10–3 m–1, λH = 5 × 102 m and z* = – 2.5 × 103 m. A plot of the vertical structure of KV and KH can be found in Figure 1 of Dijkstra (2007). In this way, the vertical diffusivity KV increases from 0.31 × 10–4 m2s–1 at the surface to 1.3 × 10–4 m2s–1 near the bottom of the flow domain. The horizontal diffusivity KH increases monotonically from 0.5 × 103 m2s–1 at the bottom of the ocean to 1.0 × 103 m2s–1 near the surface.

The ocean flow is forced by the observed annual-mean wind stress as given in Trenberth et al. (1989). The upper ocean is coupled to a simple energy-balance atmospheric model (see Appendix in Dijkstra and Weijer (2005)) in which only the heat transport is modelled. The freshwater flux will be prescribed in each of the results in section 3 and the model has no sea-ice component. Both the neglected moisture transport and sea-ice ocean interactions may affect the results below, but these effects are outside the scope of this paper. The surface forcing is represented as a body forcing over the upper layer. On the continental boundaries, no-slip conditions are prescribed and the heat- and salt fluxes are zero. At the bottom of the ocean, both the heat and salt fluxes vanish and slip conditions are assumed.

2.2 Methods

The discretised steady equations can be written as a nonlinear algebraic system of equations of the form


where x is the state vector and μ is one of the parameters of the model. For the global ocean model (with a 4° horizontal resolution and 12 layers in the vertical) the dimension of the state space (and of x) is 96 × 38 × 13 × 6 = 284,544; where the number 13 comes from the 12 ocean levels plus the atmospheric energy balance model, and the 6 from the number of unknowns (u,v,w,p,T,S) per grid point.

We use the pseudo-arclength continuation method (Keller, 1977), where the branch of steady solutions versus μ is parametrised by an arclength s. To close the set of equations (because of the new variable s) the arclength is normalised leading to the equations


where (x0, μ0) is a previously computed solution and the dot indicates differentiation to s. The equation (3b) represents a normalisation of the tangent on the branch of steady solutions. The linear stability of each steady state is determined by solving a generalised eigenvalue problem using the Jacobi-Davidson QZ method (Dijkstra, 2005).

The procedure to compute bifurcation diagrams of the model, including biases in the freshwater forcing, is the following:

  1. Under restoring conditions for the surface salinity field (Levitus, 1994), a steady solution is determined for standard values of the parameters of the model (Dijkstra and Weijer, 2005). From this steady solution the freshwater flux, below referred to the Levitus flux FSL, is diagnosed.
  2. A freshwater flux over a region near Newfoundland (Figure 2) with domain [60°W, 24°W] × [54°N, 66°N] is prescribed (in addition to FSL) with strength γAFSA Sv, where FSA=1 in this domain and zero outside. Similarly, a bias freshwater flux is prescribed over the Indian Ocean domain [52°E, 104°E] × [20°S, 10°N] (same red-outlined region as in Figure 1) with amplitude γIFSI Sv, where FSI=1 in this domain and zero outside. The total freshwater flux is prescribed as

where FSC=1 in a compensation domain (specified below) and the quantity Q is determined such that

SoaFS r02cosθ dθdϕ=0,

where Soa is the total ocean surface and r0 the radius of the Earth.

  • (iii) In the results below, we will consider two cases of compensation: (a) global compensation, i.e. C is the global ocean domain (Figure 2a) as in (Dijkstra 2007) and (b) C is the Pacific domain (Figure 2b), so there is no compensation over the Atlantic. In each case, for different (but fixed) values of γI, a branch of steady solutions versus γA is calculated under the freshwater forcing (4), starting from the solutions determined under (i) for γA = γI = 0.
Figure 2 

Areas where freshwater flux anomalies are applied with their strengths γA and γI; also the global compensation region (a) and the Pacific region (b) is shown.

The Pacific compensation is here purely introduced because there needs to be a compensation surface flux to keep the salinity constant. It is not introduced here to represent the origin of the bias in the Indian Ocean surface freshwater flux or to represent that the excess evaporation of the Pacific water will lead to excess precipitation over the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, γA is purely considered as a control parameter to freshen the North Atlantic and not to represent the surface freshwater bias in this region. The global compensation case is discussed here in detail because it has been frequently used in quasi-equilibrium studies (Rahmstorf et al., 2005), including the recent study of van Westen et al. (2024).

3 Results

In the results below, we concentrate on the bifurcation diagrams and freshwater and salt balances. Plots of the typical AMOC patterns for slightly different parameter values can be found in Dijkstra (2007) and no solutions with Pacific sinking are found.

3.1 Global Compensation

The bifurcation diagram for the global compensation case (Figure 2a) with γI = 0 (no Indian Ocean freshwater flux bias), where the maximum AMOC strength below 1000 m (ΨA) is plotted versus γA (both in Sv), is shown as the black curve in Figure 3a. With increasing γA, stable (black solid curves) steady states exist for which the AMOC strength decreases and at γA1=0.186 Sv, a first saddle-node bifurcation L1 occurs. With decreasing γA, a branch of unstable steady states (black dashed curves) exists down to a second saddle-node bifurcation L2 at γA2=0.054 Sv.

Figure 3 

Bifurcation diagrams for the case of global compensation where the maximum strength of the AMOC below 1000 m (ΨA) is plotted versus the strength of the anomalous freshwater forcing γA for different values of γI. Solid (dashed) curves indicate stable (unstable) branches. The dots indicate the saddle-node bifurcations.

The width of the multi-stable regime, often called the hysteresis width ΔH, is given by


For the case γI = 0, we find ΔH = 0.132 Sv in this model. In typical quasi-equilibrium model studies (Rahmstorf et al., 2005), where γA is varied with about 0.05 Sv/1000 years, the width is typically overestimated. With continuation methods, as used here, one is able to determine the hysteresis width very accurately as the values of γA1,2 are computed explicitly.

With increasing values of γI (adding fresh water over the Indian Ocean) both saddle node-bifurcations L1 and L2 move to larger values of γA (Figure 3) indicating that the multi-stable regime occurs for higher anomalous additional Atlantic freshwater forcing. Hence, GCMs having a ‘Levitus-like’ surface salinity with the given Indian Ocean freshwater flux bias are less likely to be in a multi-stable regime than models without such a bias. The width of the multi-stable regime versus γI does not change much for these γI values; ΔH = 0.137 Sv and ΔH = 0.138 Sv are found for γI = 0.37 Sv and γI = 0.52 Sv, respectively. These imposed γI values are larger than the CESM biases of about 0.05 Sv (Figure 1). Note that freshwater biases outside the Indian Ocean freshwater region also contribute to a fresher Indian Ocean, in particular the positive biases over land which enhance river run-off.

To understand the shift of the branches in the bifurcation diagram, we consider the Atlantic freshwater transport by the AMOC and the gyres. Following De Vries and Weber (2005), the quantities Fov (the overturning component) and Faz (the azonal component) are computed as

Fov(θ)=r0S0Sθv¯(<S>S0) dz ;
Faz(θ)=r0S0SθvS¯ dz.

where S0 = 35 psu is a reference salinity, r0 is the radius of the Earth, and Sθ is the boundary (longitude, depth) at latitude θ. Here, the quantities v¯,S¯,<v> and <S> are given by

v¯=vcosθ dϕ ; <v>=v¯cosθ dϕ,
S¯=Scosθ dϕ ; <S>=S¯cosθ dϕ,

and v′ = v – <v> and S′ = S – <S>. The physical meaning of these quantities is extensively discussed in De Vries and Weber (2005) and Dijkstra (2007).

The existence of the saddle-node bifurcations L1 and L2 can be connected to the behavior of FovS = Fov (35°S). In simple box models (Cessi, 1994; Rahmstorf, 1996), the saddle-node bifurcation L1 at γA1 is related to a minimum in FovS. In our model, this is more complicated as there is also a gyre-driven freshwater transport, and the FovS minimum is only approximate. The saddle-node bifurcation L2 at γA2 is near to a zero of FovS along the upper branch of the AMOC, as discussed at length in Dijkstra (2007). So to explain the shift in positions in the saddle-node bifurcations we focus on the behaviour of FovS, FovN = Fov(60°N), while also monitoring their difference ΔFov = FovSFovN and the associated behaviour of the freshwater transports by the gyres.

The results for FovS, FovN and ΔFov are shown in Figure 4a, with the case γI = 0 (γI = 0.37 Sv) as solid (dashed) curves. For the chosen northern latitude (60°N), the freshwater flux FovN is negative and the AMOC transports freshwater southwards for all values of γA. For γA = 0, the AMOC transports freshwater northwards at 35°S as FovS > 0. With increasing γA, FovS decreases and, for γI = 0, becomes negative close to the saddle-node bifurcation L2 at γA2 (indicated by the thin vertical line). In other words, the (negative) FovS sign indicates the multi-stable regime.

Figure 4 

Global compensation case. (a) Values of the AMOC induced freshwater transport at the southern boundary (35°S) of the Atlantic (FovS), the northern boundary (60°N) of the Atlantic (FovN), and their difference ΔFov. (b) Same as (a) but for the azonal transport (FazS, FazN and ΔFaz). The vertical thin lines indicate the saddle-node bifurcation L2. The solid curves are for γI = 0, corresponding to the black curve in Figure 3. The dashed curves are for γI = 0.37 Sv, corresponding to the blue curve in Figure 3.

For γI = 0.37 Sv, the value of FovS at γA = 0 is much larger than that for γI = 0. Because FovS decreases with γA at the same rate as for γI = 0, the location where FovS ≈ 0 and hence the bifurcation L2 occurs at a larger value of γA. Also the location where FovS obtains its minimum, and hence the position of L1 (at γA1) shifts to the right. The gyre transport changes FazS, FazN and ΔFaz with γA are shown in Figure 4b and do not change much with γI.

As shown in Dijkstra (2007), the fully-implicit model allows for a closed salt balance over the Atlantic from θs =35°S to θn = 60°N from which changes in advective, diffusive and surface contributions can be determined. The terms in this balance are shown in Figure 5 for both cases γI = 0 and γI = 0.37 Sv. Expressions for these terms were presented in Dijkstra (2007), but are repeated here for convenience, i.e.

Φs=SoaS0FS r02cosθ dϕdθ,
Φa(θ)=SθvS r0cosθ dϕdz,
Φd(θ)=SθKHSθcosθ dϕdz,

where Φa and Φd are the advective and diffusive fluxes through the boundary Sθ respectively. The overall balance is given by

Figure 5 

Global compensation case. Terms in the integrated salt balance over the Atlantic basin over the upper branches in Figure 3 (up to γA1), with expressions of the terms as indicated in equation (9) and equation (10) for θn = 60°N and θs = 35°S. The solid curves are for the case γI = 0 and the dashed ones for γI = 0.37 Sv.

Indeed, the term Φb is much smaller than the individual terms (black curves in Figure 5) giving a nearly closed salt balance over the Atlantic basin for all values of the parameters.

First consider the case γI = 0 (solid curves in Figure 5) and the upper branch in the bifurcation diagram up to L1. For γA = 0, the surface (virtual) salt flux is approximately balanced by the fluxes at the southern boundary. The surface evaporation is larger than the precipitation (Φs > 0) and this salt is transported out of the Atlantic basin at the southern boundary (Φa(θs) < 0). The fact that the diffusive flux is relatively large here (compared to typical GCMs) is that the model has a coarse resolution so needs a relatively high horizontal diffusivity to prevent wiggles to occur near the boundaries. The salt fluxes at the northern boundary are less important and the respective components are about a factor 2 to 4 smaller than at the southern boundary.

With increasing γA, the surface salt flux decreases as freshwater is put into the North Atlantic. The diffusive salt transports do not respond but the southward advective salt transport at θs weakens. As the diffusive flux is directed to transport salt into the basin at the southern boundary, the value of γA where the sign change in salt transport occurs is around 0.1 Sv (Figure 5). Note that the gyre and AMOC components cannot be distinguished in the advective fluxes.

When γI = 0.37 Sv (dashed curves in Figure 5), the surface salt flux increases for γA = 0 compared to the case γI = 0. This is due to the global compensation as a negative salt flux in the Indian Ocean is compensated by a positive one over part of the Atlantic. Hence, the curve for Φs shifts upwards and so the compensating advective flux at the southern boundary shifts downwards. A second effect is that the changed surface freshwater flux pattern leads to a modified salinity distribution in the Atlantic. This increases the AMOC (Figure 3) strength and hence also its salt transport out of the basin at the southern boundary.

Because the diffusive fluxes are not much affected by the Indian Ocean freshwater input, the fluxes Φs and Φa(θs) change with γA in the same way as for the case γI = 0. Similarly, the starting value of Φs at γA = 0 is now larger and it takes a larger value of γA to change the sign of the freshwater flux at the southern boundary and to reach a minimum in this quantity. Hence the saddle-node bifurcations L1 and L2 shift to larger values of γA.

3.2 Pacific Compensation

Since the global compensation has a substantial influence on the position of the saddle-node bifurcations (Figure 3), we now consider the case where compensation is only over the Pacific domain as indicated in Figure 2b. The bifurcation diagrams in this case are, for different values of γI, shown in Figure 6. The shift of the saddle-nodes to larger values of γA is much smaller than for the global compensation case (Figure 3). The hysteresis width itself for γI = 0 with ΔH = 0.103 Sv for the Pacific compensation case is a bit smaller than for the global compensation case (ΔH = 0.138 Sv). This width is only slightly larger for the case γI = 0.52 Sv, i.e. ΔH = 0.111 Sv.

Figure 6 

Bifurcation diagram for the case of Pacific compensation where the maximum strength of the AMOC below 1000 m (ΨA) is plotted versus the strength of the anomalous Atlantic freshwater forcing γA for different values of γI. The dots indicate the saddle-node bifurcations.

For the analysis of the freshwater and salt balances, we choose the larger value (γI = 0.52 Sv) instead of γI = 0.37 Sv (used in the global compensation case), as the differences are more clearly visible. The freshwater transports by the AMOC and by the gyres (Figure 7) show that for γA = 0, FovS is larger for γI = 0.52 Sv (Figure 7a), compared to the case γI = 0.0 Sv. Hence also changes in the freshwater balance are induced in the Atlantic, but both the direct effect of compensation of the surface freshwater flux and the secondary effect of an AMOC increase are much smaller. Of course, in such a diffusive and viscous model, the Agulhas retroflection is in a diffusive retroflection regime (Dijkstra and De Ruijter, 2001) and there is additional freshwater transport from the Indian to the Atlantic when γI > 0. As the wind-driven freshwater transport does not change much with γA (Figure 7b), the AMOC transports more freshwater into the basin and hence FovS becomes more positive.

Figure 7 

Pacific compensation case. (a) Values of the AMOC induced freshwater transport at the southern boundary (35°S) of the Atlantic (FovS), the northern boundary (60°N) of the Atlantic (FovN), and their difference (ΔFov). (b) Same as (a) but for the azonal transport (FazS, FazNand ΔFaz). The vertical thin lines indicate the saddle-node bifurcation L2. The solid curves are for γI = 0, corresponding to the black curve in Figure 6. The dashed curves are for γI = 0.52 Sv, corresponding to the red curves in Figure 6.

In the Atlantic salt balance (Figure 8) the surface salt flux is indeed the same for both values of γI, because there is no compensation anymore over the Atlantic. The advective transport of salt becomes slightly more negative over the southern boundary for γI = 0.52 Sv indicating that indeed a small amount of freshwater is transported into the Atlantic basin. Also the diffusive transport of salt (into the basin) decreases and this approximately balances the advective contribution. As the advective contribution is much smaller than the compensation contribution in the global compensation case, the shift of the saddle-node bifurcations to larger values of γA is much smaller.

Figure 8 

Pacific compensation case. Terms in the integrated salt balance over the Atlantic basin over the upper branch in Figure 6, with expressions of the terms as indicated in the main text. The solid curves are for the case γI = 0 and the dashed ones for γI = 0.52 Sv.

4 Summary and Discussion

Following earlier studies on CMIP3 and CMIP5 models (Drijfhout et al., 2013; Mecking et al., 2016), also many CMIP6 models have large biases in surface freshwater fluxes which lead to an AMOC with an Atlantic freshwater transport that is in disagreement with observations (van Westen and Dijkstra, 2024). The most important model bias is in the Atlantic Surface Water properties, which arises from the surface freshwater flux over the Indian Ocean giving too fresh water entering the Atlantic through the Agulhas Leakage.

In this paper, we have addressed the effects of this surface freshwater flux bias on the multiple equilibrium regime of the AMOC using the fully implicit global ocean-atmosphere model of Dijkstra and Weijer (2005), for which explicit bifurcation diagrams can be computed. This is a fantastic capability as both stable and unstable steady states can be computed, and the width of the multiple equilibrium regime can be determined accurately. However, this can only be done with quite a simplified global model, with relatively low resolution and hence being more viscous and diffusive than state-of-the-art, even low-resolution, ocean models. The atmosphere model is only an energy balance model with a prescribed freshwater forcing. The effects of lower diffusivity/viscosity can be well anticipated as further instabilities will occur (e.g. baroclinic/barotropic) of the steady states. The effect of an active moisture flux in the atmosphere will lead to changing freshwater forcing with a varying AMOC which can also lead to shifts in the equilibria (Toom et al., 2012). In general, in terms of quantitative results on changes of the bifurcation diagrams, the model is probably not that useful.

Qualitatively, however, the model provides very useful information, as it indicates that the multiple equilibrium regime does not disappear due to the Indian Ocean freshwater flux biases, but that it shifts to higher values of the North Atlantic anomalous freshwater flux. This shift is dependent on the way the latter flux is compensated. Surface salinity patterns in the Atlantic depend on the compensation of the Indian Ocean bias and, in both compensation cases considered here, lead to a slight increase in the AMOC. In the Levitus background state (with FovS > 0), this leads to a larger transport of salt out of the Atlantic basin. Hence, a larger anomalous North Atlantic surface freshwater flux is needed to activate the basin-wide salt advection feedback, i.e., to a situation where the AMOC exports fresh water. When there is compensation of the Indian Ocean freshwater flux in the Atlantic, the Atlantic becomes saltier and hence the AMOC transports more salt out of the basin. This leads to an additional, and here larger, shift of the bifurcation diagram compared to when there is no compensation in the Atlantic.

The mechanisms identified are useful for interpreting results from GCMs and for designing new simulations with these models. First it shows that positive biases in surface freshwater flux lead to shifts in the bifurcation diagram which would imply that such multiple equilibrium regimes (and hence AMOC collapses) could exist in these models but are located in a parameter regime where one would not normally perform simulations. Second, it provides a hint why efforts to find AMOC collapses in these models may not have been successful (Mecking et al., 2016; Jackson and Wood, 2018b, a). Even an enormous freshwater input in a parameter regime which is outside the multiple equilibrium regime would only lead to a weakened (but no collapsed) AMOC.

To obtain a better confidence in AMOC stability, the identification of whether the AMOC is in a multiple equilibrium regime is crucial. Our study suggests several ways forward to find an AMOC collapsed state in state-of-the-art models. One may perform a long quasi-equilibrium simulation up to very large freshwater flux input such as in the FAMOUS model (Hawkins et al., 2011) to find the collapse (this may take a few thousand years of simulation, so is expensive). In doing this, it is better to compensate outside of the Atlantic when using surface fluxes, as the latter will introduce an additional shift and so one has to integrate longer to find an AMOC collapse. Such compensation procedures (including compensation over the volume) are now also more common in GCMs (Jackson et al., 2022). The alternative is to address and improve the biases in the atmospheric components of the models, as illustrated here in the case of the Indian Ocean bias, but this is not an easy issue. The origin of these biases may even be a coupled problem, as the bias strength is positively correlated with the AMOC strength (van Westen and Dijkstra, 2024).

We hope that this study will motivate the design of new simulations in state-of-the-art GCMs to assess the multiple equilibrium regime of the AMOC. Detection of such a multiple equilibrium regime would have a large impact on climate change research and probability estimates of AMOC tipping under global warming (Armstrong McKay et al., 2022) would likely need to be revised.