Claire Rowland

Claire heads up service and UX design at AlertMe, the leading UK innovator in smart home services and Wired magazine’s top European startup of 2012.
Claire has worked in UX design and research for 15 years for companies such as Razorfish, Flow Interactive and Fjord.
Since beginning her career designing for graceful degradation in Netscape 2, she has cheered along as the web has broken free of the desktop, screens have become both smaller and bigger, and services have emerged spanning multiple devices, some without screens at all.
Her key interest is in ubiquitous computing for the mundane objects and activities that make up our daily lives. The field of the internet of things is heavily technology driven, and we are just beginning to understand what humane UX design for this field might look like.
When she needs a break from this, Claire enjoys craft beer, shouty and bleepy music and China Miéville novels.
Designing Smart Things: the UX of ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things
How do you design a user experience that transcends a single device? Ten devices, some of which may not have screens? How do you design for services that exist simultaneously in your hand and in the cloud? How do you redesign everyday objects to be "smart things" that connect to Web services?
This half-day workshop will introduce you to user experience design for the post-PC/post-phone world, where connectivity and intelligence are embedded in the world around us. Using examples drawn from cutting edge products and smart home technology, Claire will introduce fundamental concepts of user experience design for ubiquitous computing/the Internet of Things.
She will give an overview of emerging trends in this field, and teach you a framework for wrapping your brain around the complexity of this rapidly changing environment to design integrated services, devices and interfaces.
Topics covered will include designing for services used by multiple devices and designing UIs for different device types.
Reasons to attend
- 1Spend 3 whole days improving your UX skills
- 2Meet your peers and share new ways of thinking
- 3See world class speakers from the UX industry
"I came. I listened. I stayed. Great event, great crowd, great venue. Learn, network, enjoy."
Don Norman Speaker at UX London 2009