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Title IX and Gender Based Violence

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“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”  
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Policy Information

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education. This federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance.

Title IX applies to all participants of such programs, including students, parents, and faculty/staff members.

A variety of activities are covered under Title IX, including athletic programs, recruitment, admissions, financial aid, and participation in extracurricular programs and activities. For example, Title IX addresses discrimination situations such as unequal treatment of pregnant and parenting students or unequal pay based on gender.  Further, sex discrimination includes sexual harassment (which encompasses sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct). 

Wright State's Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to all forms of sex and/or gender-based harassment, discrimination, and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence.

The university’s policies concerning harassment and discrimination including its policy on sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and gender-based discrimination and harassment can be found in University Policy 1270 and the Student Code of Conduct. The policies outline the definitions of prohibited conduct, reporting procedures, and procedures for resolution, provisions for students, staff, and faculty who have been subjected to prohibited conduct.

Title IX-related Policy Links

The Clery Act and Campus SaVE

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), as amended by the Campus SaVE Act, part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, S. 47, 113th Cong. (2013), requires, among other things, annual reporting of statistics for various criminal offenses, including sex offenses, timely warnings and emergency notifications to the University community, prevention education, and the adoption of sexual assault policies with certain procedural requirements.

Wright State University's Annual Security Report

It is the goal of Wright State University to provide students, faculty, staff, and guests with an environment free from sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. The university’s Title IX Policy outlines the definition of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual offenses, relationship violence, stalking, reporting procedures, procedures for the resolution, provisions for students who have been subjected to sex offenses, sexual assault prevention and education programs, and resources to victims and survivors of sexual assault.

In order to take prompt and equitable corrective action, the University must be aware of sex discrimination in any form or related retaliation. Therefore, members of the Wright State community who believe that they have been victim of such incidents or know someone who may be a victim by a student, faculty, staff, or vendor/supplier are advised to bring the matter to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Contacts

For university Title IX assistance, please visit the Title IX Contacts page.

For complaints in Intercollegiate Athletics:

Maigan Glass
Assistant Athletics Director, Compliance / Interim Senior Woman Administrator
Department of Athletics
356 Ervin J. Nutter Center

For complaints against members of the Wright State Lake community:

Gretchen Rentz
Director of Student Affairs (interim)
108B Dwyer Hall
7600 Lake Campus Dr.
Celina, OH 45822


To file a university complaint regarding sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or gender-based harassment and discrimination (either an incident in which you are a victim or a witness or, if not directly involved, you have reason to believe such has occurred), please contact the Title IX Coordinator or a resource listed above.

To file a criminal complaint regarding sexual misconduct or relationship violence, contact the Wright State Police Department at 937-775-2111.

Anonymous Reporting: Should you wish to remain anonymous in your report, you can report using the following two methods. Please be advised that anonymity may limit the response of the University. Once you file a report, please check back frequently as we may need additional information from you.

Office of Civil Rights

Individuals who fish to file a federal complaint are directed to the Office of Civil Rights at:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: 800-421-3481
Facsimile: 202-453-6012
TDD#: 877-521-2172
Email: OCR@ed.gov
Web: http://www.ed.gov/ocr

Confidentiality and Assistance with the Policy and/or Procedure

The Title IX Coordinator will seek to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals involved in any report of alleged sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and gender-based harassment and discrimination to the extent possible and allowed by law. The Title IX Coordinator cannot guarantee confidentiality, however, and must evaluate any request for confidentiality in the context of the University’s responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.

The university offers advocacy and case management as a private resource for students who have experienced sex/gender-based violence, know someone who has experienced sex/gender-based violence, or want more information about the resources available. (Privacy means that even though information shared with the advocate is not privileged or protected under any legal confidentiality, the advocate will not share information without prior notice to the student, or in cases where disclosure is legally required.)  As part of this role, the advocate can assist with understanding the policies and procedures around sex/gender-based violence in order to help survivors make the best decisions they can for themselves with all the information. Additional services include safety planning, information about reporting options, hospital accompaniment, legal referral and accompaniment, student conduct accompaniment, temporary housing accommodations, victim assistance compensation fund application, community and other on-campus referrals, and more. As a grant-funded position by the Ohio Attorney General’s office, services provided by the advocate can only be accessed to support those who are primary or secondary victims of crime.

Lake Campus Advocate

Similar advocacy services for survivors are provided at Lake Campus through Van Wert’s YWCA.

Jodi Brummette
YWCA of Van Wert County
187 Andrews Hall
419-586-1133 *24 hour helpline
Lake Campus Advocate

Other confidential resources may be available through: