Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Cases. Sep 26, 2024; 12(27): 6057-6069
Published online Sep 26, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i27.6057
Table 2 Perioperative details and outcomes
< 1 yr group, n = 39
≥ 1 yr group, n = 41
P value
Surgical method
    Laparoscopy11 (13.7)5 (12.8)6 (14.6)1.000
    Laparotomy69 (86.3)34 (87.2)35 (86.4)
Preoperative PCI 7.99 ± 5.979.08 ± 6.526.95 ± 5.260.112
CC score
    063 (78.8)25 (64.1)38 (92.7)0.002a
    117 (21.2)14 (35.9)3 (7.3)
Residual lesion
    Small bowel6 (7.5)4 (10.3)2 (4.9)
    Large bowel1 (1.3)1 (2.6)0
    Major vessels3 (3.8)3 (7.7)0
    Peritoneum7 (8.8)6 (15.4)1 (2.4)
Pre-HIPEC chemotherapy141 (51.3)24 (61.5)17 (41.5)0.080
Response to pre-HIPEC chemotherapy0.121
    Complete remission000
    Partial remission15 (18.8)8 (20.5)7 (17.1)
    Stable disease6 (7.5)1 (2.6)5 (12.2)
    Progression disease16 (20.0)11 (28.2)5 (12.2)
CRS time in min338.60 ± 144.80365.50 ± 135.10313.10 ± 150.800.106
Visceral organ resections
    Liver6 (7.5)3 (7.7)3 (7.3)1.000
    Lung wedge resection3 (3.8)1 (2.6)2 (4.9)1.000
    Small bowel23 (28.8)13 (33.3)10 (24.4)0.461
    Large bowel45 (56.3)25 (64.1)20 (48.8)0.184
Uterus and adnexa2
    TH-BSO7 (13.2)2 (8.3)5 (17.2)0.433
    BSO3 (5.6)1 (4.2)2 (6.9)1.000
HIPEC duration in min0.603
    30, oxaliplatin-based18 (22.4)10 (25.6)8 (19.5)
    6031 (38.8)16 (41.0)15 (36.6)
    90, mitomycin c31 (38.8)13 (33.3)18 (43.9)
HIPEC regimens
    Cisplatin-based22 (27.5)13 (33.3)9 (22.0)0.319
    Non-cisplatin-based58 (72.5)26 (66.7)32 (78.0)
Post-HIPEC chemotherapy370 (87.5)35 (89.7)35 (85.4)0.738
Any postoperative complication ≥ grade 37 (8.8)4 (10.3)3 (7.3)0.709
    AKI1 (1.3)01 (2.4)
    Bowel perforation4 (5.0)4 (10.3)0
    Others2 (2.5)02 (4.9)
Recurrent site< 0.001a
    Extraperitoneal23 (28.8)18 (46.2)5 (12.2)
    Intraperitoneal26 (32.5)9 (23.1)17 (41.5)
    Both17 (21.3)12 (30.8)5 (12.2)
    No recurrence14 (17.5)014 (34.1)