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W3C  Charles wears some funny clothes.

Chaals (Charles McCathieNevile)

I worked at W3C for a little over 6 years. In that time I learned several languages, wrote a great deal, and hopefully improved the Web's impact on some people. I became, and remain, Vice President of the Fundacion Sidar, a Spanish-language group working on Web Accessibility.

Former W3C Quality Assurance person

I worked briefly on the MUTAT tool, which was initially developed by Nadia Heninger as a demonstration of the EARL specification.

Former W3C Semantic Web person

I worked on the W3C Semantic Web Advanced Development in Europe project. I led the annotations and visualisation work packages, coordinated workshops and meetings, and have presented various aspects of the work around Europe. Among the achievements I am proud of are developer workshops held in Madrid and Buenos Aires in Spanish, which resulted in a significant increase in the total amount of material published in Spanish about the Semantic Web.

Former W3C WAI person

I was staff contact for the Authoring Tool Accessibility Working Group and the Protocols and Formats working group. I edited Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, and at the time of leaving W3C am still editor for the XML Accessibility Guidelines, although their status is not clear.

Contact Information:

charles@w3.org(I try to respond within 24 hours to all email. I manage that about half the time.) If your query is of a general nature, I will probably try to direct you to work being done in public rather than answer with a lot of detail. It helps me get through my email each day.
+61.409.134.136 (within Australia that is 0409.134.136)
Postal mail can be sent to:
21 Mitchell street

But I don't collect it very regularly. If you want to mail me something and be sure I get it soon, email me to work out where I can collect mail at the time.

Where am I?

Normally I am somewhere in Europe, although I actually live in Melbourne, Australia.

Some work I have done

I have been working on device-independent interaction models (it is like a fancy way of saying "how to click on things without a mouse", but it covers lots of different users) since October 1998, before I joined W3C. It's still in the process of standardisation, although it has moved forwards with work such as XML events.

I worked with Marja-Riitta Koivunen writing about accessibility in SVG.

I spent some spare time in early 1999 thinking about a music arrangement markup language in XML, mostly as a proving ground for ideas I have.

I worked on a system for using XML and XSLT to create a calendar application as a demonstration of database type services that could be created with simple authoring tools This work has been overtaken by what people are doing in the (informal) RDF calendar task force. I then looked at integrating W3C's IRC logging robot with icalendar tools through RDF - in particular tracking action items from meetings.

I worked with Dan Brickley, Libby Miler, and others on using the semantic web to support accessibility, with projects like RDFWeb as jumping points.

I made some very basic semantic web tools to track my travel.

With Antonio Cavedoni I set up an IRCchannel #rdf-it to discuss the sematic web in italian (log of first day, log of second day.) but it didn't get critical mass. On the other hand the web-semantica-ayuda (spanish) list that I joined and tried to revive did get critical mass and is an ongoing discussion.

I have worked on various EARL-based tools, including MUTAT and Axforms (both developed in W3C), WAINu (sadly no longer available it seems), Hera, AccVerify and the earl.w3.org annotea server designed for recording EARL annotations, as well as some general work on cwm rules for EARL.

I have produced multilingual introductions to using cwm (english, french and spanish), the basic idea and purpose of EARL (english, french, spanish) and coding EARL (english, french, spanish, italian).

I have produced some simple Ruby programs to show how to write an Annotea client.

I directed a variety of student projects, including an ongoing project to develop SVG interfaces to geographic information.

I organised a number of workshops, helped organise more, and participated in various workshops and conferences. I went to 5 continents as a real living body from W3C listening to what people had to say.


I have done a fair number of these. The following is a selection - more are available from the W3C Team presentations page and the SWAD-Europe talks page:


December 3, Melbourne, Australia
Semantic Web and Accessibility
November 25-27, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Accesibilidad - una web de calidad and informes semanticos.
August 21, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Annotea, EARL ¿y la Web fiable?
June 13, Madrid, Spain
Uso de la Web Semántica con CWM
June 3, Venice, Italy
Semantic Web for Human Rights
March 3, Tel Aviv, Israel
Some applications of RDF
February 18, Madrid, Spain
Introduccion a la Web Semantica


December 13, Paris, France
Le Web Semantique: Philosophie et Standards
October 28, Florence, Italy
SWAD-E and Europe
August 14, Melbourne, Australia
W3C and Multimedia - how to integrate multimedia with the rest of Web content and the benefits that brings
June 6, Limerick, Ireland
RDF, Web Services and the Semantic Web - an introduction to the potential offered by interaction between the Semantic Web and Web Services
May 30, Rome, Italy
W3C and Web Accessibility - how W3C approaches the problem of ensuring Web accessibility for all people
May 16, Luxembourg
SWAD-E overview - a brief presentation on the SWAD-E project
April 29, Sydney, Australia
Web Accessibility - a presentation on accessibility and WAI work for the Online Business Law Conference
April 5, San Francisco, USA
An information model for network security management - a presentation of a paper co-written with Dr Karima Boudaoud (I presented this but my contribution is mostly in the future work section - how to apply this model to the Web).


October 26, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Accessibilidad y XML (in Spanish) - Que ofrece el XML a la accesibilidad (what XML can offer for accessibility)
September, Oslo Norway
Semantic Web and Accessibility - an intro to the semantic Web, and some ideas on how it can support accessibility
July 20, Rockhampton Australia
Web accessibility then, now and beyond - a brief reflection on achievements and outstanding work
July 17 and 19, Hobart/Launceston, Australia
Implementing Web accessibility (2 presentations): why and what, and how
June 27, The Hague, Netherlands
2 presentations: Semantic Web History and Accessibility with the Semantic Web
June 12, Melbourne. Monash University
Making the Web accessible - a general introduction
June 4, Madison. Human Factors Web conference
Simple heuristics for accessible graphics and multimedia languages, with Dr Marja-Riitta Koivunen
May 6, Sydney. Evolve conference
A presentation on the semantic web and accessibility benefits it offers
April 4, Washington DC. W3C QA workshop
With Katie Heritos-Shea two brief presentations (combined): SiRPAC, and Accessibility Evaluation
March 29, Canberra. Australian Online Documentation Conference
Accessible (Web-based) Help Systems


December 20, Rome.
Accessibilità del Web , ora e nel futuro (in italiano)
November 16, Melbourne. Web Access Summit
WAI, Web content guidelines, and future directions in accesibility, with Jason White
November 7, Madrid. IV Jornadas del SID@R
WAI y accessibilidad de SVG y SMIL (en español)
March 23, Los Angeles. CSUN conference on disabilities
Towards accessible multimedia, with Dr Marja-Riitta Koivunen and Ian Jacobs

Where am I now?

I enjoy travelling and learning languages, cooking and eating, history especially of early medieval europe, camping, making things, and a handful of other hobbies I never spend time on.

A short biography

Charles was, in his time at W3C, a member of the Quality Assurance Activity, the Technology and Society domain and the WAI domain. He was editor of the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, and is still editor of the XML Accessibility Guidelines. He worked on all four sets of WAI Guidelines. He has organised presentations and workshops on accessibility and semantic web topics in French, Spanish and Italian as well as English.

Outside W3C Charles is vice-president of the Fundación Sidar, a spanish not-for-profit foundation working on the accessibility of the Web to all in IberoAmerican languages - chiefly Spanish (Castilian), Catalan, Galician and Portuguese. His work there includes presentations, development of tools, and helping the Fundación to coordinate its work with the international work of W3C which is conducted in english, as well as representing the Fundación in various organisations in which it participates, including as an invited expert in some W3C work.

Before joining W3C in 1998, Charles worked for Sunrise Research in Melbourne on Web accessibility, Internationalisation of Web content, and other projects involving educational uses of programming and the Web. Before that he worked on things unrelated to the Web, including bartending and antique restoration, as well as building what would now be called an e-commerce site (the word wasn't known in 1985) on Viatel, an early Minitel-like bulletin board system in Australia and a prototype integrated office suite in Boxer.

Charles holds a degree in Medieval European History from the University of Melbourne, and his hobbies include travel, learning languages, medieval re-enactment, and cooking.

A brief resumé is available

Last modified $Date: 2005/01/29 23:52:33 $