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Congratulations to Professor Xie Tao of the School of Computer Science on his election as a foreign member of the European Academy of Sciences

Date: 2022-06-21   Click:

Recently, the European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences (Academia Europaea) announced the list of newly elected academicians for 2022. Professor Xie Tao of the School of Computer Science of Peking University was elected as a foreign academician of the European Academy of Sciences.

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Xie Tao is currently a chair professor at Peking University, deputy director of the Key Laboratory of High Credibility Software Technology of the Ministry of Education (Peking University), and deputy secretary-general of the New Engineering Construction Committee of Peking University. He was elected as a Fellow of the International Computer Society (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the Chinese Computer Society (CCF). He has won the Science Exploration Award, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Overseas Outstanding Youth and its Continued Funding, the NSF Career Award, the ACM Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) Outstanding Service Award, the IEEE Software Engineering Field (TCSE) Outstanding Service Award, the Software Repository Excavation Foundation Contribution Award, the TSE 2018 Best Paper Award of the Top International Journal of Software Engineering, and the Top International Conference on Software Engineering ASE 2021 Most Influential Paper Award, etc.

Professor Xie Tao's main research areas include software engineering, system software, software security, trusted artificial intelligence, etc. He has done a series of high-impact research work in the software industry, such as the Pex testing tool developed in collaboration with Microsoft Research, which has been released by Microsoft since 2015 as the main testing feature IntelliTest of Visual Studio Enterprise Edition. He has won the Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award (one of the 32 award-winning professors in the world and one of the 3 Chinese winners), the Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award, the Google Professor Research Award, the Facebook Research Award, the IBM Jazz Innovation Award, and the IBM Professor Award.

The European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences (referred to as the European Academy of Sciences) is known as Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), which is one of the most extensive, academically highest, and most influential scientific organizations in the world across regions and academic fields. Academicians of the European Academy of Sciences come from 35 European countries, mainly selected from the academicians of the Academy of Sciences of various European countries, representing the best scientific elites and academic authorities in the European humanities and natural sciences, including outstanding European scientists in the fields of humanities, social sciences, material sciences, life sciences, mathematics, engineering sciences and medicine, or scientists who have long-term close cooperation with Europe (elected as foreign academicians). The current number of members of the European Academy of Sciences exceeds 4,700, including 80 Nobel laureates.

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