Open Access (OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet
to peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Open access publication is supported
by authors' institutes or research funding agency by payment of a comparatively
low Article Processing Charge for accepted articles.
SciEP is an open access publisher of its high quality research publications around
the world ensuring that the light of knowledge is disseminated without any interference
and ambiguity to all its users.
External Open Access Resources
Those who are new to the concept of open access might find the following websites
or 'Open Access 101' video informative:
SPARC Open Access 101 Video

Wikipedia article on 'Open Access'
Information Platform Open Access [in English , in German ]
SHERPA's 'Authors
and Open Access'
Advantages of Open Access for Authors
- High Visibility and High Availability - free and unlimited accessibility
of the publication over the internet without any restrictions.
- High quality and rigorous peer review - Open access journals run through
a thorough electronic peer-review process the same way traditional journals do.
- Open Access publications are more frequently cited - due to their high
publicity and availability.
- Publications are also more easily searchable in search engines and
indexing databases.
- Less Costly - the cost of editorial processing and editing fee of each
accepted paper is charged to authors' institutes or research funding agency. The
cost of processing and the publication of an article is covered through the one-time
payment of an Article Processing Fee for each accepted article.
- Rapid Publication - accepted papers are immediately published online.
Origins of Open Access
The term Open Access (OA) was introduced
Open access to peer-reviewed journal literature is the goal. Self-archiving
(I.) and a new generation of open-access journals (II.)
are the ways to attain this goal.
The open- platform provides comprehensive information on OA and offers practical implementation advice.
Encourage researchers/grant recipients to publish their work according to the principles
of the open access paradigm.
Maintain the standards of quality assurance and good scientific practice.
Advocate that open access publication be recognized in promotion and tenure evaluation.