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Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society

On-line version ISSN 0717-9707

J. Chil. Chem. Soc. vol.58 no.4 Concepción Dec. 2013






This issue of the Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society is dedicated in memory of Dr. Elsa Abuin, University of Santiago de Chile and Dr. Guillermo Contreras, University of Concepción. Beside, other works are included. Also, as Editor of the Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, and on behalf of the entire scientific community, I express the deepest expressions of regret, for the recent decease of Dr. Luis Núñez Vergara, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Chile, whose death has meant a great loss to all areas of university life.


Dra. María Inés Toral Ponce

Universidad de Chile
Facultad de Ciencias
Departamento de Química
Santiago, Chile.


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