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What is RateItAll?
On RateItAll you can rate anything you want, and tell the world what you think!
A brief history:
Founded in 1999, RateItAll was one of the first rating platforms on the internet. By 2010, RateItAll accumulated a staggering 12m reviews. After that, however, it
didn't get developed further, ultimately going
offline in 2020.
In March 2022, we took over RateItAll in an effort to revive it.
To get it back to life quickly, we are re-launching it in steps: we already restored the key functionality to rate items, and in the next weeks & months we'll add more and more features to the platform, allowing you to:
- Find out what your rating behavior tells about you
- Find other things you may like
- Find other people who share the same values as you do
It'll be cool, trust us :)