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Erfahren Sie mehr über Drupal.


Drupal nutzt international verbindliche Standards, wie XHTML und CSS. Inhalt und Layout sind getrennt. Durch saubere URLs ohne kryptische Zeichen wird die Lesbarkeit erhöht und das Ranking in Suchmaschinen verbessert.

Stabil und Skalierbar

Drupal unterstützt die am weitesten verbreiteten Datenbanken MySQL oder PostgreSQL. Drupal wurde intensiv und unter hoher Last getestet (z. Bsp. Slashdot-Effekt). Caching und Lastverteilung sind standardmäßig vorhanden. Zudem kann Drupal mit zusätzlichen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Caches betrieben werden.


Drupal wird von tausenden Entwicklern unterstützt. Es gibt spezialisierte Hosting-Provider, die schlüsselfertige Drupal-Lösungen bereitstellen, umfangreiche Trainingsangebote und hunderte von Dienstleistern, die auch die Bedürfnisse von Unternehmenskunden bedienen. Tendenz steigend.

Open Source

Drupal ist freie Software und steht unter der GNU General Public Licence (GPL). Kosten entstehen nur für das Anpassen auf Ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse. Total Cost of Owneship at its best.


Drupal gibt es bereits seit 2001. Eine hochqualifizierte, internationale Gruppe von Kernentwicklern verbessert ständig den Quellcode und immer mehr Entwickler tragen mit neuen Modulen und Bugfixes zum wachsenden Erfolg von Drupal bei.


Drupals Architektur ist modular. Mit Ausnahme der notwendigen Kernmodule können alle anderen Features und Plugins je nach Bedarf aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden.

Verfügbare Module sind unter anderem:

Organic Groups
Eigenes Modul


Der Drupal-Kern ist gewissermassen der Klebstoff, der alles zusammenhält. Die frei verfügbaren Zusatzmodule konzentrieren sich auf spezielle Funktionen, der Kern auf die Inhalts- und Benutzerverwaltung. Über die vom Kern bereitgestellte Infrastruktur können sich Module nahtlos integrieren.


Drupal kann viel mehr als nur einfache Kategorien bereitstellen. Drupals flexibles Taxonomie-System ermöglicht beliebige Klassifizierungssysteme. Administratoren können frei entscheiden, wie Inhalte strukturiert werden. Nutzer können sich Inhalte nach frei wählbaren Kriterien erschließen. Ganz ohne technisches Know-How.


Drupal hat OpenID direkt im Kern. Nie war es einfacher, sich an einer Website ohne langwierigen Registrierungsprozess anzumelden. OpenID ist ein verteiltes Single-Sign-On-Verfahren, das von namhaften Firmen wie Yahoo, AOL, IBM und vielen mehr unterstützt wird.


Drual-Websites können problemlos lokalisiert werden. Es gibt kostenlose Übersetzungen der Oberfläche in dutzende Sprachen, und auch die Inhalte können mit frei verfügbaren Modulen einfach in andere Sprachen übersetzt werden.


In den letzten Jahren gab es kaum sicherheitskritische Lücken in Drupal und keinen Exploit. Sobald eine Lücke entdeckt wird kümmert sich ein spezielles Sicherheitsteam um die schnellstmögliche Behebung. Dank der integrierten Update-Benachrichtigung sehen Sie sofort, wenn eine neue Drupal-Version oder neue Modul-Versionen verfügbar sind.


Entwicklung für Drupal ist außerst einfach dank sauberer Schnittstellen und guter Dokumentation.


Drupal erfüllt die Bedürfnisse Ihres Internet-Auftritts oder Ihrer Intranet-Plattform. Drupals flexibles Rechtemanagement und einfache Browserbasierte Inhaltsverwaltung wachsen mit Ihren Ansprüchen.


Drupal ist eine hervorragende Basis für Nachrichten-Websites und andere Community-gesteuerte Portale mit User-Generated Content. Die Startseite wird mit Inhalt basierend auf den Bewertungen der Besucher gefüllt. Qualitätsmanagement durch den Kunden.


Drupal ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug, um die Zusammenarbeit von Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Interessenverbänden zu organisieren. Sie brauchen keine teuren technischen Berater, um Ihre Sache voranzubringen.

Akademische Websites

Drupal fördert eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Studenten und akademischen Fachkräften und optimiert das Organisieren von Inhalten in Wissensdatenbanken. Gleichzeitig dient es als stabile Grundlage für die Website.

Persönliche Websites

Drupal ist das Tool der Wahl für persönliche Webauftritte: Simple Installation und hunderte von freien Modulen machen das Bloggen so einfach wie noch nie.

Websites mit Drupal

Anyone who reads the news knows that Reuters is a major news agency; in fact, it is the world's largest international multimedia news agency.

Earlier this afternoon, I blogged about Stanford using Drupal. Well, if Stanford isn't enough for you, check out the main page for Duke University, recently redesigned using Drupal.

The United Nations is using Drupal (and Mollom) for the World Food Programme. The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian organization. With almost 12,000 people working for the World Food Programme, their food assistance reaches an average of 100 million people in 80 countries every year.

Virgin Radio is using Drupal for a number of websites. Example: http://www.virginradio999.com.

AHOLD, the holding of Albert Heijn, a major Dutch retailer with 100.000 employees worldwide, is using Drupal for their main website: http://ahold.com. (Hat tip: George Moses and Bert Boerland)

The website of Kevin Michael Rudd, the Prime Minister of Australia is using Drupal: see http://www.pm.gov.au. Go Aussies!

Google announced Measurement Lab (M-Lab) this week, an open platform that researchers can use to deploy internet measurement tools. M-Lab will give end users the tools to figure out whether internet service providers are interfering with their broadband connections by blocking or throttling certain applications. Turns out that the current M-Lab site is using Drupal.

While in France for the Drupal.org redesign code sprint in Paris, it was pointed out by a number of people that Slate.fr, the French version of the popular culture magazine Slate, is using Drupal. Slate is owned by the The Washington Post Company.

Battlefield 1943 is out and the website is using Drupal: see http://battlefield1943.com/.

Glamour, glitter, and champagne all around because Drupal has gone Hollywood. The Emmys website has just switched to Drupal in preparation for the announcement of nominees tomorrow, and the subsequent annual Emmy award ceremony later this year. The Emmys are annual awards to outstanding television programs and performers.

Internet Systems Consortium, also known as ISC, is using Drupal on their website at http://isc.org. ISC was founded by three internet pioneers Rick Adams, Carl Malamud and Paul Vixie to support BIND and other software that helps power the internet.

Jacksonville, the largest city in Florida, is using Drupal (and Mollom) at http://jacksonville.com. The Florida Times-Union is the major daily newspaper in Jacksonville and Jacksonville.com is its official website. Cool!

This afternoon, in Denver, Colorado, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known in US political circles as the "stimulus bill".

The bill provides new spending, tax cuts and aid to state and local governments all totaling almost $800 billion US dollars, making it the largest spending bill in that nation's history. Designed to create jobs and provide a boost to a sagging economy, the bill focuses on green, renewable energy and investments in health care technology.

The new Mother Jones launched on Drupal. Wikipedia describes Mother Jones as an independent, non-profit magazine rooted in progressive political values and known for its investigative reporting. It has a paid circulation of 233,000 and it the most widely read progressive publication in the United States. The new site was built by EchoDitto, a Drupal shop in Washington DC.

Ketnet is a public children's television channel in Belgium, owned and operated by the VRT, a public broadcaster. The Ketnet site is using Drupal! (Hat tip: Seutje)

Radio Netherlands Worldwide (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep in Dutch or RNW for short) is a public radio and television network based in The Netherlands. Radio Netherlands Worldwide is a very old international public broadcaster, with regular transmissions that began in 1927 to the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia.

Randstad, a company providing temporary and permanent employment HR services, is using Drupal for their French site: http://randstad.fr.
Randstad is the second largest HR services provider in the world and has major positions in over 50 countries. Randstad is listed on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange. If you're looking for Drupal work, they might have a job opening ...

All of our French friends know Brico Depot as a big chain of DIY stores. Well, they are using Drupal now!

Pierre-Jean Duvivier, Head of WebFactory at Edipresse, shared some remarkable data points with me. Edipresse is one of Europe's biggest media and communications companies. It is a traditional print company that publishes more than 200 titles, including some leading European newspapers (i.e. Le Matin, Le Temps, and 24 heures).

Mattel, the world's largest toy company, just relaunched Mattel.com on Drupal. The site was built by Vancouver-based work [at] play. Mattel products include Barbie dolls, Hot Wheels, Matchbox cars, Masters of the Universe, and much more. For once, my kids and family will understand what I'm talking about.

With the help of Cognisync, Sun Microsystems converted Java.net, the website of the Java community, to Drupal. The previous version of java.net, was custom built by O'Reilly Media. Interesting choice for a site devoted to Java, but needless to say, a great testimonial to Drupal.

Not only is there a new tour, but MichaelJackson.com, the official site for fans of the King of Pop, has just re-launched, featuring some new community-oriented features and some old-school graphics from back in the day. MichaelJackson.com was built using Drupal by the good folks at Sony Music. They are also using Mollom to protect against comment and forum post spam.

Rutgers University, with more than 50,000 students the largest institution for higher education in the state of New Jersey, switched their main website, http://rutgers.edu, to Drupal. Looks stunning!

Rackspace, the hosting giant, is using Drupal on a support addon website: http://www.rackspace.com/apps/support.

Francesca Battistelli is using Drupal for her official website at http://francescamusic.com. The site is built by her record label Warner Bros Records (also a Drupal site), and is one of the best looking artist sites that I have seen. Nice!

Lucas Arts, the video game company of George Lucas, launched a stunning Drupal site for its upcoming MMORPG: Star Wars, The Old Republic. Check out the website at: http://www.swtor.com.

InfoWorld relaunched on Drupal 6 yesterday! Check out their new site at http://infoworld.com. InfoWorld has been around since 1978 and is a well-known resource for IT professionals. I hope they write up a use case because it is a great testament to Drupal 6.

I've been around the web long enough to know a good-looking site when I see one -- http://shc.stanford.edu is a good looking site. It is the home page of the Stanford Humanities Center, and it uses Drupal.

Cable news network CNN just released CNNgo.com into beta, fully developed with Drupal. CNNgo
is a guide to six of Asia's greatest cities. What is interesting about the site is that they are looking to complement their professional editors with local bloggers, opinion makers, and the very people that form the soul of these cities.

Strayer University, with more than 44,000 students enrolled at over 70 campuses, is using Drupal on http://strayer.edu.

In 1996, Linux kernel development is what first attracted me to Open Source, and what led me to contribute to the Linux WLAN project in 1999. Ever since, I've worked on or with Open Source projects pretty much full-time.

A couple of weeks ago, Robbie Williams made his comeback on
British television music talent show The X Factor, where he performed his new single "Bodies" for the first time live.

With his comeback also comes a website refresh using Drupal: see http://robbiewilliams.com. The site was developed by an Acquia partner based in the UK.

Eén (Dutch for 'one'), a public TV station reaching millions of people in Belgium, redesigned its website using Drupal: see http://een.be.

We're on a roll with universities using Drupal! Portland State University (PSU), with more than 24,000 students, is using Drupal for their main website at http://pdx.edu.

Big, exciting news! The flag ship website of the U.S. government, Whitehouse.gov, just relaunched on Drupal. This is a big day for Drupal, and for Open Source in government, and something all of us in the community should be very proud of.

Gamezebo is using Drupal and Mollom to power its game community. For those who don't know, Gamezebo is a Webby Award-nominated website that focuses on editorial coverage of the "casual games industry". The site is founded by industry veteran Joel Brodie, former head of business development at Yahoo! Games, and has an editorial staff that has written for publications like USA Today, CNN, and the New York Times.

The online media industry continues to face readership and revenue challenges. They are burdened with the task of not only providing the content but gaining more user interaction in the form of reader comments. Comments by readers are beneficial to sites because they show created readership and mean more eyeballs to that particular page or article. For publishers, more eyeballs means more revenue.

The British Government is using Drupal on an innovation initiative to encourage developers and designers share new ideas and showcase their work: see http://innovate.direct.gov.uk. Directgov’s main site, http://www.direct.gov.uk is the official government website for citizens. It provides information and services from across government organizations.

AT&T, the largest provider of local long distance telephone services in the United States, is using Drupal on for an add-on site called AT&T Apps Beta.

The website requires you to log in so there isn't much to explore without creating an account. Either way, AT&T Apps Beta is a platform for connecting highly involved AT&T customers with access to the latest and greatest mobile applications.

More proof that Drupal and open government is a great match: the New York State Senate just relaunched its website on Drupal and there is a lot to like.

The legendary singer, guitarist, songwriter and composer Eric Clapton is using Drupal for his website http://www.ericclapton.com.

I started work on Drupal as a graduate student living in Antwerp. Drupal was just a little hobby project. Today, the Antwerp student organization is actually using Drupal on http://www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be. Cool!

After CSAIL started using Drupal (the group where Tim-Berners Lee works), the MIT Media Lab also switched to Drupal. Check out there Drupal site at http://media.mit.edu. As a former academic and a long term admirer of the MIT Media Lab, I think that is just really cool!

I recently learned about the fact that the Berkman Center for Internet and Society is using Drupal. The Berkman Center for Internet and Society is a research center founded at Harvard Law School whose fellows included internet gurus like David Weinberger, John Perry Barlow, Dave Winer, Jimmy Wales, Doc Searls and many more.

Long term Drupal developer Jeff Eaton continues to inspire and as a result, Zappos started using Drupal on http://about.zappos.com.
Zappos.com is an e-commerce website with more than $1 billion in revenue, and well known for their legendary customer service and culture.

Sony Ericsson's first Drupal web site was officially launched yesterday at the JavaOne conference. The site, called Sony Ericsson Labs, is a community website to shares application concepts with everyone who is interested in mobile applications and where new ideas can begin to take shape.

IFRA, the world's leading association for newspaper and media publishing, knows how to set an example: they are switching their websites to Drupal.

IFRA has 3,000 members from the newspaper industry in about 80 countries. Besides staging the newspaper industry's largest international exhibition every year, IFRA also organizes more than 100 regional exhibitions, international conferences, seminars, workshops and training events worldwide.

Vivek Kundra, the CIO of the United States, unveiled the new IT spending dashboards at usaspending.gov earlier this week. Tim O'Reilly has all the details in his blog post titled Radical transparency: the new federal IT dashboard. In short, the dashboards are designed to help CIOs of individual government agencies get a handle on the effectiveness of government IT spending. The site was built with Drupal.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) started using Drupal for a number of properties like ABC Digital Music, ABC Country and ABC Jazz.

The ABC is Australia's national broadcaster, a public owned enterprise funded by the Australian government that has been around for 80 years.

Linux Journal is a monthly magazine focused specifically on Linux. Linux Journal switched to Drupal in 2005, and hasn't looked back since. Last year in October of 2008 Linux Journal decided to turn to Mollom to protect their site against spammers.

Der Weg

Das Internet ist ein großartiger Weg, um ins Netz zu kommen.

Bob Dole


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