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Welcome to the NWC SAF

The key objective of the NWC SAF is to provide to National Meteorological Services, Scientific Institutions and in general meteorological users from EUMETSAT member states and worldwide, with an advanced, robust and reliable system to support both operational and research activities in Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting, by means of:

  • The production and provision of two software packages (NWC/GEO for geostationary and NWC/PPS for polar satellites) for the near real time generation of a set of meteorological products to support Nowcasting activities, and
  • The provision of support services to final users to allow the maximum exploitation and benefit of the software application and the transfer of knowledge from the NWC SAF consortium to its users.

The NWC SAF is being developed by a consortium of National Meteorological Services composed by:


NWC/PPS v2021 Software Output Products and EARS Monitoring

The software package NWC/PPS v2021 has been developed by NWC SAF for the near real time generation of a set of meteorological products to support Nowcasting activities.

Here you can find the output product images as a reference to what users can obtain with the NWC SAF PPS v2021:

** The NWC SAF doesn’t provide the products directly, the NWC SAF provides the software and the support to run the software to obtain all nowcasting products.


Training resources on NWCSAF produtcs can be found at EUMeTrain web site:

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All intellectual property rights of the NWC SAF products belong to EUMETSAT. 
The use of these products is granted to every interested user, free of charge. If you wish to use these products, EUMETSAT's copyright credits must be shown by displaying the words "copyright (year) EUMETSAT" on each of the products used.

NWC/GEO v2021 Software Output Products

The software package NWC/GEO v2021 has been developed by NWC SAF for the near real time generation of a set of meteorological products to support Nowcasting activities.

The output product images that you can find below, as a reference to what users can obtain with the NWC SAF GEO v2021, have been generated using SEVIRI satellite data and ECMWF IFS NWP model.

NWP model characteristics: Model runs 00Z and 12Z; step=6 hours; grid=0.5; levelist=sfc/1000/925/850/700/500/400/300/250/200/150/100/70/50/30/10

** The NWC SAF doesn’t provide the products directly, the NWC SAF provides the software and the support to run the software to obtain all nowcasting products.