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Algebraic Topology

What's in the Book? To get an idea you can look at the Table of Contents and the Preface.

Printed Version: The book was published by Cambridge University Press in 2002 in both paperback and hardback editions, but only the paperback version is still available (ISBN 0-521-79540-0). I have tried to keep the price of the paperback version as low as possible, but it is gradually creeping upward after starting at $30 in 2002. Less expensive printings have been made for sale in China and South Asia. A Russian translation was published in 2011.

Electronic Version: By special arrangement with the publisher, an online version will continue to be available for free download here, subject to the terms in the copyright notice. The electronic version has narrower margins than the print version for a better reading experience on portable electronic devices. To restore the wider margins for printing a paper copy you can print at 85-90% of full size.

Note: Section 3.2 has been revised from the original version, with a renumbering of items 3.11-3.21. Similarly, pages 352-355 in section 4.1 have been revised, with renumbering of items 4.13-4.17. These revisions have been incorporated into reprintings of the book since 2015.

Corrections: I am trying to keep an up-to-date list of corrections for all the errors, typographical and otherwise, that I am aware of. There are two lists:

The electronic version of the book is kept up to date to include the corrections as they come to light. I extend my sincere thanks to all the people who have sent me corrections.

Revisions and Additions: I have made a number of small changes in the text itself in the years since the book was first published. These are included in the online version, and they eventually make their way into later printings of the book. For details see the Revisions and Additions page. Also available are some additional exercises.

The Exercises: I have not written up solutions to the exercises. The main reason for this is that the book is used as a textbook at a number of universities where the problem sets count for part of a student's grade.

Typography: Some comments on how the book was made to look the way it does can be found here.