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Title Towards the MEANING Top Ontology: Sources of Ontological Meaning
Author(s) Jordi Atserias (1), Salvador Climent (2), German Rigau (3)

(1) TALP Research Center, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. (2) Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. (3) IXA Group, University of the Basque Country

Session O1-TW
Abstract This paper describes the initial research steps towards the Top Ontology for the Multilingual Central Repository ({\sc Mcr}) built in the {\sc Meaning} project. The current version of the {\sc Mcr} integrates five local wordnets plus four versions of Princeton's English WordNet, three ontologies and hundreds of thousands of new semantic relations and properties automatically acquired from corpora. In order to maintain compatibility among all these heterogeneous knowledge resources, it is fundamental to have a robust and advanced ontological support. This paper studies the mapping of main Sources of Ontological Meaning onto the wordnets and, in particular, the current work in mapping the EuroWordNet Top Concept Ontology.
Keyword(s) WordNet, EuroWordNet, Ontologies
Language(s) English, Spanish, Italian, Catalan, Basque
Full Paper 604.pdf