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The INCT products and commercializes the geographical information in numeric form. The available products are: numerical surveys, aerial photography, numerical maps (in raster or vector form), orthophotos, ...

The INCT also has a topographic, geodesic and toponymic data bases.

Geographic data base:

The INCT established a number of geographic data bases such as topographic DB in 1:50 000, the geodesic DB and the toponymic DB. Some of these databases are completely achieved, the rest are in enrichment.

Topographic database:

  • The data come from the photogrammetry at the scale 1/50 000 are treated and completed.
  • Offering a treated and completed information for automatic production of basic map
    in 1/50 000.
  • Reliable and structured information can be integrated into a GIS. This information is available to the public.
  • Allow the generation of derived products to sale ( DEM, DB road, DB altimetry ...).
  • The cartogram of available data into database and the datasheet can be consulted in the following links.

Cartogram - Datasheet

The extracts of topographic database can be viewed in the following links: metadata1; metadata2 ; extract1; extract2; extract3; extract4.

Digital maps:

to meet the different needs of numerical data, the INCT makes available for the users:
  • Scanned and georeferenced topographic maps,
  • Thematic maps, city maps ...

Numerical map in vector format:

Other numerical products:

Other numerical products are available, like:

  • File of the administrative boundaries,
  • Ortho images,
  • Scanned aerial photography with high scanner resolution.

The complete list can be found on the detailed catalogue of our products.

Contact & Info
an image
Commercial Agency
Palais des expositions, Pins Maritimes, SAFEX - Alger
Phone : +213 23 79 50 26
Fax : +213 23 79 50 27
Mobile : 213 670 35 43 81

Rue Bouamama Ali - Haï El Maquarri - Oran
Phone: +213 41 84 38 38
Fax: +213 41 84 37 37

Place de L'ALN - Ouargla
Phone: +213 29 70 44 81
Fax: +213 29 70 44 80

Zone Industrielle Cité Palma - Constantine
Phone: +213 31 61 63 42
Fax: +213 31 61 63 52

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1. Aerial photography

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3. Algerian permanent GPS network

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