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Portail › Présentation de l'INCT

The National Institute of Cartography and Remote Sensing

The institute is a Public Establishment with Industrial and Commercial Character under the economic sector of the Ministry of National Defense. Created in 1967; the INCT has for principal missions the production, the collection, the research, the conservation and geographical information diffusion. It contributes to the various administrations, collectivities and public and private institutions.

The main missions of the Institute are:

  • Realization and keeping on the national territory of a basic canvas in Geodesy, Leveling, and Gravimetry;
  • Cover of the territory by aerial photography;
  • Establishment and update of the basic topographic map 1/50 000 and 1/200 000 and those that are derived;
  • Collect and the conservation of satellite data;
  • Achievement of geographic databases;
  • Achievement of the research in the areas of geographic information;
  • Conservation of archives.


  • Achievement of aerial photography with numeric camera (multi-spectrale) at resolution 0.10 to 080m.
  • Distributor of satellite images (SPOT, Quickbird, Worldview) .
  • Production of ortho-numeric from satellite images.
  • Achievement of spatial map at various scale.
  • INCT help you to choice the satellite images according the purpose of your project.
  • Possibility of short trainings period on the GIS, the software of images processing and on remote sensing.
  • Development of GIS solution .
  • Other cartographic works.

Contact & Info
an image
Commercial Agency
Palais des expositions, Pins Maritimes, SAFEX - Alger
Phone : +213 23 79 50 26
Fax : +213 23 79 50 27
Mobile : 213 670 35 43 81

Rue Bouamama Ali - Haï El Maquarri - Oran
Phone: +213 41 84 38 38
Fax: +213 41 84 37 37

Place de L'ALN - Ouargla
Phone: +213 29 70 44 81
Fax: +213 29 70 44 80

Zone Industrielle Cité Palma - Constantine
Phone: +213 31 61 63 42
Fax: +213 31 61 63 52

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1. Aerial photography

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3. Algerian permanent GPS network

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