The Kingdom of Sweden (Sverige in Swedish) is the largest country of northern Europe, occupying the entire west coast of the Baltic Sea. Along with its lengthy coast Sweden has a distinguished lighthouse history and a good record of preserving its historic lights. The Swedish Lighthouse Society (Svenska Fyrsällskapet) works actively for the preservation of the lighthouses. Sweden is divided into 21 counties (län) and the counties are subdivided into townships and municipalities (kommuner). This page includes the lighthouses of Lake Vättern in southern Sweden. Lake Vättern, Europe's sixth largest lake, is 130 km (81 mi) long but no more than about 31 km (20 mi) wide. The Göta Canal, part of an inland waterway that connects Göteborg on the Kattegat to Mem on the Baltic Sea, crosses Lake Vättern on its way from the larger Lake Vänern to the Baltic. There is some commercial traffic on the canal but mostly it is used by recreational vessels. Four of the 21 counties of Sweden border the lake. The listing here is counterclockwise starting in Örebro county at the north end of the lake. The Swedish word for a lighthouse is fyr. The front light of a range is the nedrefyr (lower light) and the rear light is the övrefyr (upper light). Ö is an island, holme is an islet, skär is a skerry (a tiny island or rocky reef), grund is a shoal or shallow, sund is a strait (often between an island and the mainland), vik is a bay, hav is a sea, udde is a headland, flod is a river, and hamn is a port or harbor. Aids to navigation in Sweden are maintained by the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket). ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World List of Lights. SV numbers are from the Sjöfarsverket light list (Svenska Fyrlista) as reported by the Swedish Lighthouse Society. Former Admiralty numbers are from volume C of the Admiralty List of Lights & Fog Signals (the Admiralty dropped these lights from its listings in 2014). The lighthouses of the lake are not included on the NGA List. Special thanks to Alex Trabas, who has retained online photos of the lake's lighthouses alhough they are no longer on the Admiralty list.
Örebros Län Lighthouses
Västra Götalands Län Lighthouses
Jönköpings Län Lighthouses
Östergötalands Län Lighthouses
Information available on lost lighthouses: Notable faux lighthouses: |
Adjoining pages: East: Nyköping Area | West: Lake Vänern
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Posted September 3, 2007. Checked and revised February 20, 2025. Lighthouses; 22. Site copyright 2025 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.