Hi! I'm Elijah and I am a PhD student at the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science

I’m interested in usable security and privacy, especially for at-risk communities. I have previously published papers investigating the usability of cookie consent interfaces, exploring how closeted LGBTQ+ people use dating apps, and how teenagers discuss cryptocurrency on Reddit. I have work in progress on teen online safety. For more information on all of these publications and my other experience, see my CV.

From a personal perspective, I completed a B.S. in Computer Engineering and a B.A. in History from North Carolina State University in 2021. I do a lot of endurance running with the goal of improving my marathon time (current PR 3:34). I love watching football and, along with NC State, I am a fan of the Tennessee Titans. Finally, I also play video games, with the redstone of Mojang’s game Minecraft inspiring my interest in logic and computers.

Interested in collaborating or anyhting else I’ve said? Feel free to reach out on my social media or via email.