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Started in Stan's Library, Vol V, 2014-2015
Edited lists of BOOKS and REFERENCES:
Tinkering Home and Classroom Electronics Tinkering, Hacking, Programming,
and having fun with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and the like.
Spintronics Books about Spintronics, including its theory, physics, engineering, materials, and applications
A nearly comlete list of monographs.
Patents+IP Books about Intellectual Property (IP), Patents, Copyright, and Self-publishing
A large and continuously growing list.
WWW Books about WWW development issues
A large list of monographs concerning any internet activity.
Started in Stan's Library, Vol IV, 2011-2013
Code Integer Numbers C/C++ Macros
Testing and handling of integer numbers.
Edited lists of BOOKS and REFERENCES:
General Popular Science Books (a reach-out collection)
Large list of monographs, some of speculative nature.
Materials Books on Materials Science and Technology
List of monographs.
Computing Books on Quantum Computing, Information and Entaglement
A nearly comlete list of monographs.
Started in Stan's Library, Vol III, 2009-2010
Code Three-point interpolation of a real function
This C code includes coordinate estimates and reliability of local minima/maxima.
Edited lists of BOOKS and REFERENCES:
Spectroscopy Online Texts about Spectroscopy
List and Repository of free, downloadable Spectroscopy Books, Courses and Theses.
Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Books
Large list of monographs about Spectroscopy (excluding MR, covered elsewhere).
Chemistry Online Texts about Chemistry
List and Repository of free, downloadable Physics Books, Courses and Theses.
Chemistry Chemistry Books
Huge list of Chemistry monographs.
Programming Online Texts about Programming
List and Repository of free, downloadable Programming Books, Courses and Theses.
Books list Online Texts about Mathematics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Math Books, Courses and Theses.
Physics Online Texts about Physics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Physics Books, Courses and Theses.
Physics Physics Books
Huge list of Physics monographs.
Electronics Online Texts about Electronics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Electronics Books, Courses and Theses.
MR Online Texts about Magnetic Resonance
List and Repository of free, downloadable MR Books, Courses and Theses.
Started in Stan's Library, Vol II, 2007-2008
DataBase Mathematical Constants
Large and growing collection of pure and applied mathematics constants.
Code ASCI Strings C/C++ Macros
Testing and handling of plain ASCII strings (char*).
Code ASCI Characters C/C++ Macros
Testing and conversions of characters.
Code Complex Metric C/C++ Macros
Distances to / between elements of a set of complex numbers.
Code Basic Metric C/C++ Macros
Distances to / between set elements.
Edited lists of BOOKS and REFERENCES:
MRI Early MRI physics
A collection of 270 titled, historic references up to the spring of 1984.
MRI Early MRI instrumentation
A collection of 76 titled, historic references up to the spring of 1984.
Patents & IP Books about Patents and Intellectual Property
Large list of monographs about publishing, patents, IP pretection, etc.
Web Books about Web Issues and Web Programming
Large list of monographs related to Web programming and activities.
Started in Stan's Library, Vol I, 2004-2006
Web HTML Character Sets
Charset specification in the http-equiv meta. Includes code-pages.
Code Extrema C/C++ Macros
Maximum & minimum values and/or their locations.
Code Bits and Flags C/C++ Macros
Management of single Bits and Bit-Flag Arrays.
Code Relational and Sign C/C++ Macros
Relations, Sorting and Sign management.
Code General Purpose C/C++ Macros
Data extraction, Shifts and Permutations.
Web HTML Entities and their Glyphs
W3C HTML 4.0 entities with corresponding glyphs.
General Constants of physics and mathematics
Latest CODATA values with customary & root SI dimensions.
General SI dimensions of various quantities
An alphabetic list of SI dimensions of hundreds of quantities.
General SI dimensions of various quantities listed by category
A large list of hundreds of quantities divided by categories.
General Tables of SI units and prefixes
Includes basic, derived, accepted and deprecated units.
Edited lists of BOOKS and REFERENCES:
Constants Constants of Physics and Mathematics
Large list of references and links regarding constants of physics.
Computing Books about Software, Programming, Algorithms, ...
Huge list of monographs for programmers, computer science engineers, hackers, etc.
Mathematics Mathematics Books
Huge list of Mathematics monographs.
ESR / EPR Books about ESR (Electron Spin Resonance, EPR)
The most complete list of ESR/EPR/EMR monographs available anywhere.
Instruments Books about Scientific Instrumentation and Measurements
Large list of monographs dedicated to scientific metrology and measurements.
Electronics Books on Digital Signal Processing and Analysis
The most complete list of monographs about DSP.
Electronics Electronic and Electric Engineering books
The most complete list of EEE monographs available anywhere.
NMR/MRI Works about the History of NMR/MRI
References to papers, books and links pertinent to MR history.
NMR Early History of NMR, Part II
Nearly complete list of NMR papers from 1956 to 1959.
NMR Early History of NMR, Part I
Nearly complete list of NMR papers from prior art up to 1955.
NMR Books on NMR (Spectroscopy and Relaxometry)
The most complete list of NMR monographs available anywhere.
MRI Books on MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
The most complete list of MRI monographs available anywhere.
MRI Physical principles of MRI
Large list of references centered on MRI k-space formulation and its many applications.
Metrology Systems of Units of Measurements
Large list of references dealing with systems of measurement units.
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