Panorama of Jeseníky (Ash Mountains)
by František Kučera
František Kučera is a Czech photographer and a new Log Cabin guest. He lives in Bruntál, a town in Northern Moravia (Czech Republic), and is very fond of the Jeseníky area with its deep woods, beautiful Nature, tormented history and hearty people. A few of his photos already appeared in this collection (see First snow on Praděd, Foggy dawn in Ash Mountains and The day is over) and we certainly hope to see some more in the future.
The landscapes on this page are an introduction to the Jeseníky mountains area. More specifically, they are views of the area's high-altitude chain known locally as Hrubý Jeseník (Altvatergebirge or Hohes Gesenke in German, High Ash Mountains in English, and Jesionik Wysoki in Polish).
The shots were taken from the periphery of Bruntál (looking west-north-west).

The mountain with the TV tower on top is Praděd (Grand-grandfather) which, with its 1491 meters above sea level, is the highest point of Moravia (for another view, see First snow on Praděd). The concave, snow-covered formation in the left part of the picture is known as Velký Kotel (Large Kettle), while the hilltop above it is called Petrovy Kameny (St.Peter's Rocks) due to the presence of picturesque stone formations. Velký Kotel harbors the spring of Moravice, the river which marks the border between the historic regions of Morava (Moravia) and Slezko (Silesia). January 2005.

Continuation of the Hrubý Jeseník range to south-south-west from Velký Kotel (visible on the right). January 2005.

An unusual late-summer evening view of Praděd with fog rising up from the low-lying woods. May 2006.