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Lucia's Corner
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Herons by Lake

Vase with a Stag Bug

A young student

Who I am:
For 15 years I was a full-time teacher of Italian and English for 13-18 years old children with handicap in the Centro di Formazione Professionale "L.Clerici" at Parabiago, Italy (part of the Luigi Clerici Foundation). At present I teach under contract at the same Centre and my work includes also adults re-qualification courses.

From 1998 I conduct courses of alphabetization, teaching classes of Italian for foreigners, particularly those of non-European origin.

For this purpose I have written a Dispensa di Italiano per Stranieri "Anche io parlo Italiano",
conceived particularly for persons whose mother language is Arabic, Urdu, Hindi or Chinese.
I hope to find an Editor in Italy or abroad willing to publish it.

I have already published Italiano di base per studenti stranieri (Garzanti Scuola, 2006), with a Guida per l'insegnante, intended for foreign students and their italian-language teachers.

My hobbies:

For what regards terra-cotta modeling and porcelain/ceramics painting,
I accept also commissions for custom works.

Copyright ©2004,2005: Parretti Lucia Designed by Stan Sýkora