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Lucia Grazia Parretti
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Lucia 2003
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Credentials: Language Teacher

Author of: Italiano di base per studenti stranieri (Garzanti Scuola, 2006),
   a propedeutic text about the approach to Italian language used as a support for
   the Italian grammar book Sciogliere i Nodi (Garzanti Scuola, 2006).
Author of: Anche Io parlo Italiano, Dispensa di Italiano per Extracomunitari,
   unedited, but used in alfabetization courses organized by the towns of
   Castano Primo, Buscate, Vanzaghello, Robecchetto.


- 1987-2001: Specialization in teaching childern with handicap (13-18 years)
   at CFP Clerici of Parabiago
- From 1998: Italian language alfabetization courses for adult immigrants
   from non-European countries

Employement: From 2005, contract teacher providing Italian language support
   to foreign students in primary and secondary schools

Husband: Stan Sykora

Children: Francesca and Martino

Residence: Castano Primo, Provincia di Milano, Italy

Hobbies: terra-cotta, porcelaine painting, photography, choir, Maya art, ...

Copyright ©2004: Parretti Lucia Designed by Stan Sýkora