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Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!


23jan2021And the beat[down] goes on...

Family Fights on After 30 Years in Bureaucratic Purgatory

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Latest What the Deuce?! : The important thing here, though, is....

Latest books: Intellectuals

Who's the Johnny-Behind-the-Deuce? A pleasantly disturbed Internet site
It's like a nice, candy-coated adventure...for the kids!

Primarily the fun kind of vague
Earnest, large-scale miscellany
Las cosas incorrectas
Accurate about nonsense
Conniving as much as in us to lay to vex and annoy
Satirical impressions in pantomimicry
Souvenirs of human eccentricity
Light fingered malarkey

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I seem to be lost ...

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Stuff people have requested I take down

(More stuff in the site log)

EXCELLENT ACTIVE SUPER AMUSIVE PLAY! || Thoughtfully conceived and lovingly injection-crafted products, designed and produced entirely without reference to sensible product development practices, market research, corporate legal signoff, or even basic proofreading -- indeed, without any oversight whatsoever -- some of which are available to YOU, the highest bidder, ever, in history. Hosted by your new bestest buddy, HELLO WAGNER!

The Simpsons || Two parents. Three children. Maybe four. Springfield is nowhere nearby, but Springerville is. After that, everything you know about The Simpsons is wrong.

What I've been doing while you were earning a living

(More in the update Log)

20jul Moon Shot Memories

15jun Inadvertent Mountain Monogram

14mar Wagnerian Tombstone showdown, featuring Gram Rabbit

10aug Forcing Jesus Into Burning Man: A Response to Christianity Today

21jul Lots more info about The Ol' Huck 'n' Buck

06jun Businesses, Bible Quizzes, Buzzes: A Wildly Wide-ranging Chat with Katie Union

19may RIP Java

05nov Kathryn Calder visits Arizona (and Wagner)

01jun Wagner and The Evolution Control Committee

17may Wagner accosts Mark Hosler

17may Wagner accosts Harrod Blank

03may A Conversation with Valerie Tarico

07mar Charlie Sheen + Apocalypse Now = Sheenpocalypse Now

02mar The Sheen Pyramid of Greatness

11aug Highly cactusable Huck 'n' Buck

10aug Highly fashionable Huck 'n' Buck

20jun The Live-Tweeting of The Shunning

31may The -berto's Phenomenon

13may Is It Hopeless? A Freewheeling Conversation with Brian Doherty

14feb Update: Whip It! is a permanent part of Salvation Mountain (Also: Leonard Knight)

14feb Update: Vintage Bombay Beach trailers continue to melt into the salts

11feb A bizarre coincidence

11jan Maybe YOU Knew About These Fetishes, but...

06nov Hip Hop Prophet

23oct A Conversation with Elizabeth Butters

11oct Einstürzende Rexall update

Annihilation and Destruction

The Pursuit of Liberty || How to lose an election, pester world heads of state, and fail to start your own country, all in the name of just being left alone. NEW: Phase IV begins...

Whip It! & Other Delights || Official home page of the Herb Alpert Whipped Cream & Other Delights Art Car. Burning Man, Art Car shows, cross-country tripping, breakdowns in tiny towns -- plus, your chance to win the What Is Whip It!'s Problem? Contest -- all here. But you're mainly interested in the Whip It! Girls, I'll bet.

The Mojave Phone Booth Project || The most popular item on deuceofclubs.com. Why? We're not sure. It was just a working phone booth in the middle of nowhere in the Mojave Desert. But for a working phone booth in the middle of nowhere in the Mojave Desert, it had a lot of friends.

Deuce of Clubs Gallery || The fame of the playing card mounts. Tension mounts. Mounting, mounting, mounting. Whew. Done mounting now. Carry on.

Wagner Zentral || Your source for all things Wagnerian. Roadtripping, statuetripping, just plain tripping. Wagner Tributes. Wagner Kunst. More Burning Man stuff. Roadside attractions, folk art, The Thing, you name it. Also includes Wagner's trips with Guest Conductors. And the latest project, The Wagner Calendar Project

Amy Grant's Mandible Home Page || You've admired The Mandible. Don't tell us you haven't. Now you can celebrate it. The Mandible. Do it for the children.

Write On || Articles, interviews, broadsides. Choco Tacos, Duck Diapers; Negativland, Lovecraft, Mickey Mantle; Ute Lemper, Dick Dale, Tank Girl, & more. NEW: What's On TV

Rave On || Read what others have to say about stuff on this site. Or tell us what you have to say about it.

The Library || Includes Book of the Week (updated every Monday), the William Butler Yeats "Second Coming" project, and other permanent exhibits. NEW: Dedicated to the One I Love

Tunes || Deadbolt, Amy Grant, The Osmonds' Kolob Connection, and Deuce of Clubs' CD Recommendations.

What the Deuce?! -- Fearless Cultural Mania || Items of Interest and Edification, updated every Monday. Ever seen Bob Barker soap? Mr. T Cabbage Patch doll? Rake Buddies? Frog in Mouth? Block of Wood? Naranja Mecanica? Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo?

The Mountain Monogram Project || Why are there huge letters on the sides of mountains in the American Southwest? Yeah, I know what they stand for. But who thought of it? How did they begin? Any help you can offer may constitute evidence of insanity. But think about it -- that could come in useful one day.

oobiland! || Just two eyes and a hollow interior, it's ... Al Gore! No, no, it's ... oobi! Much as we disdain hippies, we LUUUV oobi!

666 Cough Syrup || Another old favorite. What damage control is like when brand-name recognition of your product consists of people crossing themselves and crossing to the other side of the store aisle.

Smut || The most popular page with the search-engine porn seekers. In a tie for second: The All-Spanking Show and Farrah nude in Playb0y. Secks!
Also: the doesn't-belong-here-but-where-else-does-it-go Switcheroo.

Celebritizationism || Celebrities, Psychos, Simpaticos -- Frank Black, El Vez, Elvis del Monte, Dan Quayle, Joe Coleman, Arthur Lyman, Hasil Adkins, & more. Also: Wagner interviewed by Space Ghost; the next pope -- we hope -- Kardinaal Godfried Danneels; the Celebresemblities game, and the mighty Matt Gerson. Under the wire: The Julia bin-Roberts Home Page

Burning Man Crapola || Allabout duh use-ta-be.
UPDATE, 2005: And duh ta-be.



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