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Sorted by Population Groups

World Distribution of ABO Blood Types Chart - BloodBook.com

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There are racial and ethnic differences in Blood type and composition. We display these differences, in chart form, to show differences, purities and migration. The ABO Blood group system was discovered in 1901 and since it is of major importance in medicine, samples have been diligently collected from the most remote of people groups for a century. Of no other human characteristic is so much data available. Most populations have migrated and mixed. Unfortunately the reliability of the Blood data for assessing relationships between population groups is very limited. This is mostly due to the lack of availability and interchange of this important data. As the chart below reveals, the frequency and purity of the four main ABO Blood groups varies in populations throughout the world. Great variation occurs in different groups within a given country; even a small country, as one ethnic group mixes, or not, with another. Blood type purity depends on migration, disease, interrelational-reproductive opportunity, traditions and customs, geography and the initial Blood type assigned.

Publishing the ethnic differences in Blood type and the racial differences in Blood type is not, in the present-day world, considered to be politically correct. We compile and maintain this database through and thanks to, often times, reliable, confidential sources. Every Blood gathering entity in the world must gather this information to stay in business, but almost every one of them is afraid to publish the racial and ethnic differences in Blood type, given the emotionally charged political climate. Discount Cord Blood Registry.


For example, early European races are characterized by a very low type B frequency, and a relatively high type A frequency while the Asiatic races are characterized by a high frequency of types A and B. The following chart does not consider Rh factor and may vary in specific regions. It is also different for some very particular racial or ethnic groups. We have highlighted interesting pure anomalies. We read from time to time that there are certain racial groups that are more susceptible to one Blood disease or rare Blood disease, Blood disorder or Blood inclusion than others. This information could be life-saving, if you are a member of that group.

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Rare blood types can cause Blood supply problems for unprepared Blood banks and hospitals. For example, the rare Blood type Duffy-negative Blood, occurs much more frequently in people of African ancestry. The relatively rarity of this rare Blood type in the rest of the North-American population can result in a shortage of that rare Blood type for patients of African ethnicity, in need of a Blood transfusion. Keep in mind, if you have a rare Blood type, there may be some risk in traveling to parts of the world where your rare Blood type may be in short supply. Knowledge of ABO Blood type frequency can be life saving information. Blood test results, Blood tests, Rare Blood types, blood disorders.

The frequency with which Blood types are observed is determined by the frequency with which the three alleles of the ABO gene are found in different parts of the world. Variation in this allele frequency of the ABO gene reflects the social tendency of populations to marry and reproduce within their national, regional, or ethnic group. As people throughout the world intermingle to a greater degree, the distribution of the different Blood types will continue to become more uniform. Red cell antigens are the pheno-typical expression of our inherited genes. One of the most common questions that we get is about the the ethnic and racial distribution of human Blood groups. In response, following here is our collection of basic ABO Blood group data, sorted by people groups.

One note; we do not consider the very small percentage of individuals who inherit unusual combinations of "minor" antigens. Everyone carries substances on their red Blood cells, called antigens. In addition to the well known ABO classified groupings, and Rh factor, there are over 260 "minor" antigens that have been identified. These antigens may appear in varying combinations. The presence or absence of these specific "minor" antigens single out that particular Blood type as being "rare." All Blood types are inherited and therefore certain rare Blood combinations are more common in specific ethnic and racial groups. We review this subject HERE. Discount coupons for DNA tests.

Pharmacy shelves are stocked with do-it-yourself home tests for Blood glucose, Blood cholesterol paternity tests and pregnancy tests. OraSure Technologies Inc., makes and sells a 20-minute, at-home test that screens for two HIV strains using a swab device that tests saliva, awaiting the FDA.

There is precise and up-to-date data available. These racial and ethnic Blood typing and population migration statistics are important in modern medicine for many reasons. The overriding problem in obtaining and publishing this information in the United States, and to a slightly lesser extent in Western Europe, is political correctness. It is not nice to talk about the ways that I may be different from you!

This data has some holes in it; there are national and/or ethic groups whose statistics are not known to BloodBook.com. Those are noted with a Unknown - Please Submit Data. If you can contribute accurate data to BloodBook.com, please click HERE. We encourage to visit the Bloodmobile.   Free discount coupons for DNA testing.

We are grateful for the many recent updates from Blood professionals and Blood Banks and DNA parental test facilities around the world. This program is working well, thanks to you period-red.gif (63 bytes)

Link - BloodBook.com Race and Ethnicity Blood Type Analysis Chart Link - BloodBook.com

Link - BloodBook.com Rare Blood Types Link - BloodBook.com

Link - BloodBook.com ABO Blood Type Distribution Geographic Study Link - BloodBook.com

A Word about Blood-related DNA Genealogy and Anthropological Sampling - The relatively new science of DNA research applied to full-blooded, indigenous populations from around the world has led to the discovery and documentation of genetic markers that are unique to populations, ethnicity and/or deep ancestral migration patterns. The markers having very specific modes of inheritance, which are relatively unique to specific populations, are used, among other things, to assess ancestral and kinship probabilities. The following chart considers only these full-blooded, indigenous groups. 


Click on the letter below to jump alphabetically.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U | V | W

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  Aborigines 61 39 0 0
  Abyssinians 43 27 25 5
  Ainu (Japan) 17 32 32 18
  Albanians 38 43 13 6
  Grand Andamanese 9 60 23 9
  Arabs 34 31 29 6
  Armenians 31 50 13 6
  Asian (in USA - General) 40 28 27 5
  Austrians 36 44 13 6
  Bantus 46 30 19 5
  Basques 51 44 4 1
  Belgians 47 42 8 3
  Blackfoot (N. Am. Indian) 17 82 0 1
  Bororo (Brazil) 100 0 0 0
  Brazilians 47 41 9 3
  Bulgarians 32 44 15 8
  Burmese 36 24 33 7
  Buryats (Siberia) 33 21 38 8
  Bushmen 56 34 9 2
  Chinese-Canton 46 23 25 6
  Chinese-Peking 29 27 32 13
  Chuvash 30 29 33 7
  Czechs 30 44 18 9
  Danes 41 44 11 4
  Dutch 45 43 9 3
  Egyptians 33 36 24 8
  English 47 42 9 3
  Eskimos (Alaska) 38 44 13 5
  Eskimos (Greenland) 54 36 23 8
  Estonians 34 36 23 8
  Fijians 44 34 17 6
  Finns 34 41 18 7
  French 43 47 7 3
  Georgians 46 37 12 4
  Germans 41 43 11 5
  Greeks 40 42 14 5
  Gypsies (Hungary) 29 27 35 10
  Hawaiians 37 61 2 1
  Hindus (Bombay) 32 29 28 11
  Hungarians 36 43 16 5
  Icelanders 56 32 10 3
  Indians (India - General) 37 22 33 7
  Indians (USA - General) 79 16 4 1
  Irish 52 35 10 3
  Italians (Milan) 46 41 11 3
  Japanese 30 38 22 10
  Jews (Germany) 42 41 12 5
  Jews (Poland) 33 41 18 8
  Kalmuks 26 23 41 11
  Kikuyu (Kenya) 60 19 20 1
  Koreans 28 32 31 10
  Lapps 29 63 4 4
  Latvians 32 37 24 7
  Lithuanians 40 34 20 6
  Malasians 62 18 20 0
  Maoris 46 54 1 0
  Mayas 98 1 1 1
  Moros 64 16 20 0
  Navajo (N. Am. Indian) 73 27 0 0
  Nicobarese (Nicobars)  74 9 15 1
  Norwegians 39 50 8 4
  Papuas (New Guinea) 41 27 23 9
  Persians 38 33 22 7
  Peru (Indians) 100 0 0 0
  Philippinos 45 22 27 6
  Poles 33 39 20 9
  Portuguese 35 53 8 4
  Rumanians 34 41 19 6
  Russians 33 36 23 8
  Sardinians 50 26 19 5
  Scotts 51 34 12 3
  Serbians 38 42 16 5
  Shompen (Nicobars) 100 0 0 0
  Slovaks 42 37 16 5
  South Africans 45 40 11 4
  Spanish 38 47 10 5
  Sudanese 62 16 21 0
  Swedes 38 47 10 5
  Swiss 40 50 7 3
  Tartars 28 30 29 13
  Thais 37 22 33 8
  Turks 43 34 18 6
  Ukrainians 37 40 18 6
  United Kingdom (GB) 47 42 8 3
  USA (US blacks) 49 27 20 4
  USA (US whites) 45 40 11 4
  USA Blood Types ( US all) 44 42 10 4

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  Welsh Unknown - Please Submit Data Unknown - Please Submit Data Unknown - Please Submit Data Unknown - Please Submit Data

A Contribution to the Physical Anthropology and Population Genetics
L. Beckman - 
*as revised by BloodBook.com 12/07/2000; 07/22/2001; 04/10/2002; 05/22/2004; 07/13/2008.

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   last updated 03/18/2013   bloodbook.com