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Pure Cambridge Edition










The Bible says, “thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” (Psalm 138:2b).


The Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible is God’s providentially appointed Word for the whole world which reveals the name of the Father as “Jehovah”, and the name of His Son, “Jesus”, in whom there is salvation, and the name of the “Holy Ghost”, who also manifests Himself in true traditional Pentecostalism.


The standard text of the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible has been published on this website. You are free to download this definitive electronic text of the King James Bible (KJB). The actual King James Bible text of the Pure Cambridge Edition (PCE) has been presented free of any typographical error, and is completely correct. It is scrupulously exact in typesetting right down to the italics and punctuation.


This precise edition of the King James Bible is wholly based on the received traditional text as was published by Cambridge University Press and by Collins publishers. This electronic text has been made in Australia for the purpose of the exaltation of the Bible within Australasia. This Word is necessary for true Pentecostal revival throughout the whole Earth. The English Bible has been providentially raised up by God for a great dissemination of the true Gospel.


The Pure Cambridge Edition (first published circa 1900) is the product of the process of textual purification that has occurred since 1611 when the Authorized Version was completed, and has been used (often unwittingly) as the received text for many decades. Millions of copies conformed to this edition were issued by Bible and missionary societies in the twentieth century. This text stands in contrast to all other editions (especially newly edited and modernised ones). The providentially established and correct text has, among other things, “Geba” not “Gaba” at Ezra 2:26.


The following downloadable files of the Holy Bible are presented for any use, including all forms of further publishing. Use this text as the definitive standard.


The following file requires a pdf reading program:


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Plain Text Minion: PDF (6.75 MB).


Offsite mirrors:  dropbox  scribd  googledocs


This online viewing file is also a ready-for-print file of the King James Bible in Plain Text Minion. You may utilise this for printing and binding your own Bible(s). Using paper thinner than 80gsm is strongly recommended. Features include:

1. exact Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Bible.

2. small page size (standard A5 size 148 x 210 mm with ample margins).

3. uniform odd and even pages ready for print (single sided 904 pages, double = 452 sheets).

4. page numbering, blank pages, title pages, contents and running book headings.

5. with the correct text of The Epistle Dedicatory and The Translators to the Reader.

6. clean text with classic Minion style typeface and characters.

7. specifically designed for home printing or low budget print run, requires binding and cover.


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Junius Plain Text: PDF (7.09 MB).


The following file requires at least a document 2001 word processor and an unzipping program:


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Formatted Document: Compressed Zip (2.20 MB).


The following file can be viewed by most text programs and requires an unzipping program:


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Rich Text Format: Compressed Zip (1.37 MB).


The following file can be viewed by all text programs and requires an unzipping program:


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Text Format: Compressed Zip (1.27 MB).


The following file in US letter paper size requires at least a document 2001 word processor and requires an unrar program to extract:


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Formatted Document: US paper size: Rar (1.80 MB).


The following files have been supplied by other people, and are not guaranteed to be exact:


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Wharton Text Format (4.32 MB).


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Allen 127 ASCII Text Format (4.28 MB).


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Allen 127 ASCII Text Tab Delimited Format (4.57 MB).


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Allen SQLite3 Database Format (5.38 MB).


Source code / API by Roy Keyes, ready for programmers and app makers (off site): https://github.com/psyclone241/kjv-pce-api


King James Bible: Pure Cambridge Edition: Fruit MySQL Database File (4.35 MB).


Dr Gerard J. Remillard’s epub and mobi forms. Epub is a free and open ebook standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Files have the extension *.epub. This ebook format is used on many ebook readers and can easily be converted into other ebook formats. The *.mobi or Mobipocket ebook format is based on the open ebook standard and has a full screen mode for reading and support for nearly all PDAs, communicators and smartphones. The Mobipocket format support almost all Windows, Symbian, BlackBerry and Palm operating systems. This ebook format can be used on just about all cell (mobile) phones, PDAs and every Amazon Kindle ebook reader and Kindle Fire/Kindle Fire HD tablet.


















Free lessons teaching the basics of the King James Bible. Read online or download for study.













Download the sixth draft of the electronic book Guide to the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible, by Matthew Verschuur. This dissertation gives a history of the English Bible, and shows how God, by divine providence, brought about a purified text that is perfect to the jot and tittle, prepared for the last days Christian restitution and evangelisation of the world. Contains extensive research and many new insights. Any zealous student of the Bible must read it!

PDF (2.12 MB).








Download the booklet by Pastor Craig Savige, The Authorized King James Bible Connection, a popular introduction to the King James Bible.

PDF (120 KB).


Download the booklet by Matthew Verschuur, Answering Objections to the King James Bible, an overview of the King James Bible doctrine.

PDF (88 KB).


Is the King James Bible hard to understand? Article based on a sermon delivered at Victory Faith Centre by Matthew Verschuur on the 26th of September, 2006.

PDF (32 KB).


Is the King James Bible the final received text? Article based on a sermon delivered at Victory Faith Centre by Matthew Verschuur on the 19th of September, 2006.

PDF (32 KB).


Download the booklet by Matthew Verschuur, The revelation of the pure Word, an overview of the history and background of the Pure Cambridge Edition position.

PDF (124 KB).


Download the booklet by Matthew Verschuur, The Pure Cambridge Edition: The Final King James Bible, which shows how the Word of God has been gathered into one final form.

PDF (76 KB).


Download the booklet by Matthew Verschuur, Gods Chosen Edition of the King James Bible, a concise view of the textual history of the King James Bible.

PDF (88 KB).


Download the booklet by Pastor Craig Savige, The King James Bible Only position and True Pentecostalism.

PDF (168 KB).


Download the booklet by Pastor Craig Savige, Why Faith Christians should use only the King James Bible.

PDF (272 KB).








Why not use modern versions? preached by Pastor Craig Savige on the 27th of September, 2005 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon goes through important problems with modern versions.

MP3 (4.08 MB), 35:39.


Why use the King James Bible with all its thees and thous? preached by Pastor Craig Savige on the 14th of February, 2006 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon answers the accusation that the King James Bible is “out of date”.

MP3 (3.55 MB), 31:03.


Are the italics in the King James Bible important? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 16th of May, 2006 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon reveals the reasons why italics are rightly used in the King James Bible.

MP3 (3.57 MB), 31:10.


Is the King James Bible the final Received Text? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 19th of September, 2006 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon highlights that there is one final form of the Scripture for the world in the last days.

MP3 (4.04 MB), 35:23.


Is the King James Bible hard to understand? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 26th of September, 2006 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon shows that the King James Bible is hard to understand to some, but opened up to others.

MP3 (4.69 MB), 41:00.


What is the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 15th of May, 2007 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon lays out some of the prophetic elements of Scripture which relate to the advent of the pure Word.

MP3 (4.22 MB), 36:53.


Are modern versions dangerous? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 10th of July, 2007 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon shows that modern versions distort ideas, and shows the spiritual implications of modern versions.

MP3 (4.81 MB), 42:03.


The use of the wordghost’ in the King James Bible, preached by Pastor Craig Savige on the 25th of September, 2007 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon brings out the distinct Bible meaning of the word ghost, and shows that modern versions get this area wrong.

MP3 (3.13 MB), 27:22.


The use of the wordJEHOVAH’ in the King James Bible, preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 2nd of October, 2007 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon highlights the need to know God’s name exactly, and refutes those who question the name “JEHOVAH”.

MP3 (4.26 MB), 37:17.


The dangers of departing from the King James Bible, preached by Samantha Savige on the 4th of December, 2007 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon reveals how going away from the King James Bible is going away from anything good.

MP3 (4.1 MB), 35:05.


The use of the worddragonin the King James Bible, preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 18th of December, 2007 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon details the existence and nature of dragons.

MP3 (6.87 MB), 40:01.


The use of the word ‘firmament’ in the King James Bible, preached by Pastor Craig Savige on the 15th of January, 2008 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon brings to light the particular “heavens” spoken of in Scripture, and the explanation of the word “firmament”.

MP3 (3.75 MB), 32:44.


The authority of the King James Bible, preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 10th of June, 2008 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon provides an overview of the authority of the King James Bible as being the very Word of God in English.

MP3 (5.21 MB), 45:31.


Prophecies about the King James Bible, preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 29th of July, 2008 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon begins to show how the Scripture itself prophesies of the King James Bible and related matters.

MP3 (5.2 MB), 45:29.


A study approach to the King James Bible preached by Pastor Craig Savige on the 6th of January, 2009 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon highlights the importance of studying the Bible, and shows an important method of how this is to be accomplished.

MP3 (4.31 MB), 37:42.


How does the spirit of error attack the King James Bible? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 20th of January, 2009 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon shows that the idea that there is no perfect Bible is the product of the spirit of error.

MP3 (6.97 MB), 40:38.


Does the King James Bible use “archaic” words? preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 10th of March, 2009 at Victory Faith Centre. This explains that the language of the King James Bible is current, meaning that it is not “archaic”. However, the King James Bible words are particular, and some are hard. But every word is exactly right.

MP3 (7.02 MB), 40:54.


Reasons for upholding the King James Bible, preached by Samantha Savige on the 28th of April, 2009 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon gives clear and simple reasons for retaining and using the King James Version.

MP3 (5.98 MB), 29:03.


Modern versions corrupt sound doctrine, preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 7th of July, 2009 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon outlines some basic problems with modern versions as opposed to the King James Bible.

MP3 (6.1 MB), 35:32.


The King James Bible and a sound mind, preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 16th of March, 2010 at Victory Faith Centre. There is a spiritual link between believing the Scripture today is true and having strong faith.

MP3 (5.6 MB), 32:38.


Are modern versions from God? preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 29th of June, 2010 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon outlines the Scriptural reasons for upholding the King James Bible rather than various modern versions.

MP3 (5.64 MB), 32:52.


The King James Bible and Biblical English, taught by Matthew Verschuur, on the 21st of June, 2010 at Victory Faith Centre. This is a special study designed to show how English was prepared for the Bible, and how the English language today should be used to bring the perfect Bible everywhere.

MP3 (16.7 MB), 48:47.


Why is it important to have only one Bible? preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 15th of February, 2011 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon gives an overview of why it is important to have one central standard Bible that is completely correct and common for the people.

MP3 (9.31 MB), 40:41.


Are modern versions correct about Paul’s thorn in the flesh? preached by Pastor Craig Savige, on the 12th of July, 2011 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon shows that modern versions substantially differ to the King James Bible, and that they contain private interpretation.

MP3 (11.3 MB), 32:56.


Should we take italics out of the King James Bible? preached by Pastor Craig Savige, on the 13th of December, 2011 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon answers the misguided assertion that the words in italics can or should be taken out of the Bible.

MP3 (19.2 MB), 33:37.


The King James Bible as the final received text preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 3rd of April, 2012 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon gives the sound teaching from the Scripture concerning the fact that the King James Bible is the final authority today.

MP3 (15.5 MB), 45:17.


What is the final edition of the King James Bible preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 24th of April, 2012 at Victory Faith Centre. This presentation of Psalm 12 relates explains briefly how and why we should have a pure edition of the KJB.

MP3 (18 MB), 52:35.


What does it mean to be careful for nothing? preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 15th of May, 2012 at Victory Faith Centre. This explains the importance of the very meanings of the very words of the Bible.

MP3 (14.8 MB), 32:22.


Private interpretation in modern versions preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 30th of April, 2013 at Victory Faith Centre.

MP3 (7.04 MB), 41:01.


More private interpretation in modern versions preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 16th of July, 2013 at Victory Faith Centre.

MP3 (7.11 MB), 41:26.


Faith and the King James Bible — part 1 preached by Pastor Craig Savige, on the 8th of July, 2014 at Victory Faith Centre.

MP3 (14.9 MB), 43:28.


Faith and the King James Bible — part 2 preached by Pastor Craig Savige, on the 15th of July, 2014 at Victory Faith Centre.

MP3 (16.6 MB), 48:35.


The famine of hearing the word of God preached by Matthew Verschuur, on the 13th of January, 2015 at Victory Faith Centre.

MP3, (37MB), 40:26.








F. H. A. Scrivener's materials



David Norton's materials (copyright status questionable)

pdfdrive.com (use at your own risk)


William Savage's list

rekeyed on bibleprotector google drive








Statement to all King James Bible supporters concerning the Pure Cambridge Edition.


Table showing differences between common editions of the King James Bible compared to the Pure Cambridge Edition.


Latest site news and answers to frequently asked questions at The Protector.


Previous articles published in The Protector archive.


Understanding Gods role in history by Pastor Craig Savige. An introduction to understanding Bible prophecy.

PDF (28 KB).


There is only one pure King James Bible by Matthew Verschuur. Confronts historic impurities that persist in some editions of the King James Bible, such as in the Oxford Edition.

PDF (24 KB).


The famine of hearing the Word of God by Matthew Verschuur.

PDF (28 KB).


Goodly words: better answers to King James Bible questions by Matthew Verschuur. Some of the arguments against modernists by King James Bible people are misguided, and sometimes the answers that King James Bible people have given to the critics have not been the best.

PDF (60 KB).


Glistering truths: distinctions in Bible words by Matthew Verschuur. This monograph shows that every word and letter in the King James Bible is entirely accurate, that every jot and tittle is required for the exactness of the sense. Growing in knowledge in this area is vital for answering those who misunderstand Bible English.

PDF (251 KB).


Blow the trumpet, lift the ensign by Matthew Verschuur. This booklet explains how the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible is supersuccessionary to all extant forms of Scripture on Earth.

PDF (167 KB).


The good hand of the Lord upon us by Matthew Verschuur. This booklet highlights the words of the translators of the 1611 King James Bible, showing that they do not support modern versions, but do uphold their own work.

PDF (152 KB).


The Prefatory Materials of the King James Bible by Matthew Verschuur. This work treats the two statements made by the translators placed at the beginning of the King James Bible.

PDF (540 KB).


Asserting King James Only by Matthew Verschuur. An overview of the doctrine of using one Bible only and why it is the most Scripturally consistent view.

PDF (196 KB).


Receiving King James Only by Matthew Verschuur. An overview of the doctrine of using one Bible only and why it is the most Scripturally consistent view.

PDF (180 KB).


Facts from four hundred years of King James Bible editions by Matthew Verschuur. A large table showing the main editorial decisions between when the KJB was first printed in 1611 and the Pure Cambridge Edition (PCE) today. These are the facts from the past 400 years of KJB editions.

PDF (203 KB).




King James




A reprint of the original 1611 Edition (1833/1911).

PDF (148.05 MB).


An excerpt of the Hampton Court conference (1603).

PDF (47 KB).


Richard Bancroft’s Rules for translating the King James Bible (1604).

PDF (64 KB).


A list of the translators of the King James Bible (1604–1611).

PDF (36 KB).


The King James Bible translators’ dedication to King James I (1611).

PDF (56 KB).


The King James Bible translators’ address to the reader (1611).

PDF (136 KB).


The Synod of Dort discussion on the King James Bible (1618).

PDF (40 KB).


Dangerous Errors by William Kilburne (1659).

PDF (105 KB).


Part of John Canne’s Introduction to his edition of the King James Bible (1682).

PDF (52 KB).


Benjamin Blayney’s Report on the editorial work of the King James Bible (1769).

PDF (48 KB).


Excerpts from John William Burgon’s article on the English Bible in 1882.

PDF (68 KB).


H. A. Redpath’s pronunciation table for Bible words (circa 1900).

PDF (80 KB).




1611 Bible




Audio: Theme music (Sinfony of The Messiah by G. F. Handel).

MP3 (3.38 MB), 3:41.


Image: Oliver Cromwell by Robert Walker.

JPEG (40 KB).


Image: King James the First.

JPEG (60 KB).


Image: King James the First and Guy Fawkes.

JPEG (52 KB).


Image: A page from Tyndale’s Bible.

JPEG (84 KB).


Image: The front of Coverdale’s Bible.

JPEG (96 KB).


Image: The front of the Great Bible.

JPEG (88 KB).


Image: The front of the Geneva Bible.

JPEG (48 KB).


Image: The front of the Bishops’ Bible.

JPEG (80 KB).


Image: The front of the King James Bible of 1611.

JPEG (80 KB).


Image: A page from the King James Bible of 1611.

JPEG (84 KB).


Image: The front of the King James Bible (Cambridge) of 1629.

JPEG (68 KB).


Image: Australasian Ensign.

JPEG (100 KB).


Image: The title of the New Testament King James Bible of 1762.

JPEG (3.84 MB).


Image: The title of the King James Bible of 1769.

JPEG (3.83 MB).


Image: Redmond Barry statue holding book.

JPEG (3.46 MB).




World with Australasia in red




Questions? Comments? Donations?

Contact the Bible Protector webmaster and editor, Matthew Verschuur.

Proceed to the contact page.




Oliver Cromwell


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