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Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)
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ARSC Listservs: ARSCList and ARSCLIB

View instructions to subscribe: ARSCList | ARSCLIB

ARSCLIST and ARSCLIB are ARSC's two unmoderated mail reflectors created to facilitate the exchange of information on sound archives and promote communication among those interested in preserving, documenting, and making accessible the history of recorded sound. Both lists are sponsored by the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) as a service to ARSC, and collector and archives communities at large.

Purpose of ARSCLIST: The ARSC Recorded Sound Electronic Discussion List

Topics appropriate for discussion may include discussion about recorded sound research, history, innovations, preservation, archiving, copyrights and access and announcements about ARSC activities and publications. Other lists may be more appropriate forums for subjective discussions of particular recordings or artists, restoration of antique equipment, buying and selling recordings and the collecting of ephemera. All messages posted to the list will be archived permanently. By posting to this list the subscriber agrees to have his or her message become part of the permanent public archive.

How to Subscribe to the ASRCList

  1. Send an e-mail to: listserv@listserv.loc.gov
  2. Leave the "Subject:" blank
  3. As the body of the message, enter: subscribe arsclist
  4. Following this text, enter your name (e.g., "subscribe arsclist Joe H. Smith")*
  5. Send the message normally and you will be subscribed to the list. Only subscribers may post to the list.

* Alternatively, if you wish to subscribe anonymously, enter the text: "subscribe arsclist anonymous." Your subscription will then be hidden automatically.

Purpose of ARSCLIB: The ARSC Library and Archives Electronic Discussion List

ARSCLIB is a forum for discussing issues of concern to persons who are responsible for caring for recorded sound collections within institutions. The discussions are expected to have a narrower professional focus than the main ARSCLIST, e.g., members may ask for advice or share current best practices with respect to environmental conditions, storage, collection policies and deaccessioning, cleaning and digitization practices, digital archiving, outsourcing, metadata collection, cataloging practices, streaming delivery, professional conferences and workshops, and other issues that specifically concern the care of collections held within institutions.

How to Subscribe to the ASRCLIB

  1. Send an e-mail to: listserv@listserv.loc.gov
  2. Leave the "Subject:" blank
  3. As the body of the message, enter: subscribe arsclib
  4. Following this text, enter your name (e.g., "subscribe arsclib Joe H. Smith")*
  5. Send the message normally and you will be subscribed to the list. Only subscribers may post to the list.

* Alternatively, if you wish to subscribe anonymously, enter the text: "subscribe arsclib anonymous." Your subscription will then be hidden automatically.

ARSCList and ARSCLIB Archive and Digest

Contributions sent to ARSCList and ARSCLIB are automatically archived in two locations. Archives from January 2003 are available from the Library of Congress <http://listserv.loc.gov/listarch/arsclist.html>. To request a list of the available archive files, send an email to "listserv@listserv.loc.gov" with the text "index arsclist" or "index arsclib" You can then order selected files by sending an email to "listserv@listserv.loc.gov" with the text "get arsclist logxxxx" or "get arsclib logxxxx" command (where xxxx stands for a file number you select) or by using listserv's database search facilities.

The complete ARSCList and ARSCLIB archives are kept at the Conservation OnLine Web site maintained by Stanford University at <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/arsclist/> -- all interaction with these archives is done through a Web browser. The ARSCList and ARSCLIB archives are provided and maintained as a courtesy of the Stanford University Libraries. As with any Web-based resource, the Stanford archives are often available on other web sites because of the activities of web robots or other search engines. By joining ARSCList and/or ARSCLIB, you acknowledge that you understand any message you post or anything said about you is public information, may be spread over the entire world by way of the Web, and that anyone with a Web browser may access the Stanford archives. Once archived, messages become part of the historical record of discourse in this field and will not be removed from the archives.

Send an email to "listserv@listserv.loc.gov" with the text "info database" for more information on the latter.

The list is also available in digest form -- to receive messages in digest form, please send an email to "listserv@listserv.loc.gov" with the text "set arsclist digest".

If you have questions or problems accessing the archives, contact Nathan Georgitis at execdir@arsc-audio.org.

Host Institution

The Library of Congress hosts the list. They provide the server, disk space, network connections, software and technical support to set up and run the list.

By subscribing to this Listserv, you agree to the following:

You are fully responsible for everything that you post and will follow the general rules of respectful civil discourse. The content of all comments is released into the public domain unless clearly stated otherwise. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. The Library of Congress may decline to post messages that are off-topic, disruptive or for any reason whatever, without consent, and we further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's privilege to post content on this Listserv.


Messages posted to this list do not necessarily represent the opinions of ARSC, the ARSC Board of Directors, the list owners or the host institution.

Listserv Etiquette

Flaming and personal attacks are not appropriate for this list. Such behavior will result in removal from the list at the sole discretion of the list owner. Spamming and commercial advertising are also inappropriate and will not be tolerated and can result in removal from the list. Personal messages, subscription requests and other business should be sent to the appropriate address and not posted to the list.

For the consideration of users with systems of varying capability list members are strongly encouraged to include the text of any MIME attachments within the body of an email message or to post files to a web site and post the URL.

To unsubscribe from ARSCList:

  1. Send an e-mail to: listserv@listserv.loc.gov
  2. Leave the "Subject:" blank.
  3. As the body of the message, enter: signoff arsclist
  4. Send the email
  5. You will receive a confirmation message indicating that you have been unsubscribed.

To unsubscribe from ARSCLIB:

  1. Send an e-mail to: listserv@listserv.loc.gov
  2. Leave the "Subject:" blank.
  3. As the body of the message, enter: signoff arsclib
  4. Send the email
  5. You will receive a confirmation message indicating that you have been unsubscribed.


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