SAO Explorer
WEB-based installation is discontinued
SAO-X versions 3.5.xx and below are no longer supported
Download with the installation package
SAOExplorer version 3.6.3 (all platforms) SAOExplorer installation instructions Addendum: Linux-specific installation tricks Addendum: MacOS-specific installation tricks
IMPORTANT: keep upgrading geospace model constants:
Download the latest file with IGRF coefficients Download the latest file with GeoPack coefficients Download the latest file with Sun indices IG12 and RZ12 Download the latest file with sunspot numbers
Slide Presentations:
IX Digisonde Training Seminar, 2002 VIII Digisonde Training Seminar, 2000 VII Digisonde Training Seminar, 1999
IX Digisonde Training Seminar, 2002
VIII Digisonde Training Seminar, 2000
VII Digisonde Training Seminar, 1999
Ivan Galkin (project lead) Grigori Khmyrov (GUI, DIDBase) Alexander Kozlov (GUI, DIDBase) Xueqin Huang (NHPC) Mikhail Khmyrov (Additional Web Design)
600 Suffolk Street, 3rd floor Lowell, MA 01854 Tel: 978-934-4900 Fax: 978-459-7915