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Hanghang Tong

Basic Information

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Professor & University Scholar

Department of Computer Science

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

201 N Goodwin Ave, Urbana, IL 61801

Email: htong AT illinois DOT edu

[short bio] [cv]



The main focus of IDEA Lab@UIUC lies in large scale data mining, machine learning and AI, especially for graph and multimedia data with applications to social networks analysis, healthcare, cyber-security, cyber-physical systems, agriculture and e-commerce.



Lab Members



  • Recent Events:

    • Editor-in-Chief, ACM SIGKDD Explorations

    • PC co-chairs, DSAA 2024 (research track)

    • PC co-chairs, CIKM 2021

    • PC co-chairs, CSoNet 2019

    • PC co-chairs, workshop on graph techniques for adversarial activity modeling , since 2020

    • Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys, since 2020

  • Full list: see my cv

Honors and Awards

  • University Scholar, UIUC, 2024

  • IEEE ICDM 2022 10-Year Highest Impact Paper Award, 2022

  • Springer Knowl. Inf. Syst. (KAIS) on “Best-ranked paper of ICDM 2022”, 2022

  • Dean's Award for Excellence in Research, Associate Professor, 2022

  • IEEE Fellow, 2021 (for contributions to graph mining)

  • Excellent Paper Award, IEEE Big Data Mining and Analytics, 2021

  • Best Student Paper Runner-up, IEEE ICDM, 2021

  • ACM Distinguished Member, 2020

  • Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Spring 2020, fall 2023

  • IEEE ICDM Tao Li Award, 2019

  • SDM/IBM Early Career Data Mining Research Award, 2018

  • ICWSM Best Reviewer Award, 2018

  • NSF CAREER award, 2017

  • ASU CIDSE Best Researcher Award – Junior Faculty, 2017

  • ACM CIKM’17 Best Demo Candidate (Second Place), 2017

  • SIGMOD’17 Best Demo, Honorable Mention, 2017

  • ACM TKDD on “Bests of KDD 2016”, 2016

  • 10-Year Highest-Impact Paper Award, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2015.

  • Knowl. Inf. Syst. (KAIS) on “Bests of ICDM 2015”, 2015.

  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2015.

  • Statistical Analysis and Data Mining on “Bests of SDM 2015”, 2015.

  • Best Paper Award, The 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2012.

  • IBM Research Accomplishment Award on “Social and Cognitive Network Science”, 2012.

  • Statistical Analysis and Data Mining on “Bests of SDM 2011”, 2011.

  • Frontiers of Computer Science on “Bests of ICDM 2010”, 2010.

  • Best Paper Award, 2008 SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2008

  • Best Research Paper Award, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2006.