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Radu Marinescu

ASPC Building, Room 11 
Phone: +40-(0)256-404058
Fax: +40-(0)256-403214
Email: radu.marinescu@cs.upt.ro

Dr. Radu Marinescu is a full professor affiliated with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the "Politehnica" University and a senior researcher at the e-Austria Institute in Timisoara (Romania). He is also the head of the LOOSE Research Group, which he co-founded in 2002. At present Dr. Marinescu is teaching the courses of Foundations of Software Engineering, Advanced Object-Oriented Design and Research Topics in Software Engineering for graduate and undergraduate students.

Believing that the best research results in software engineering must ultimately flow into software products that will change the state of the practice in software companies, in 2008 he co-founded Intooitus a spin-off company which currently offers two solid and intuitive quality assessment tools: inFusion and inCode.

Dr. Marinescu is active in the research fields of quality assurance, software metrics, software evolution and software maintenance, with a special emphasis on object-oriented applications. In 2002 he received a joint PhD ("magna cum laude") from the Politehnica University of Timisoara and the University of Karlsruhe (Prof. Gerhard Goos) with a thesis on metrics-based quality assessment. The thesis introduced the concept of detection strategy and developed a methodology and a tool for the detection of design flaws in object-oriented systems, based on metrics. As a result of his research, Dr. Marinescu published more than 30 papers in main international conferences and workshops on software maintenance, quality, assurance, software evolution. Furthermore his research results on metrics and quality assessment have been adopted by leading IDEs such as JBuilder and Together Control Center.

He is co-author of the book entitled Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice (Springer, 2006, 2010), currently one of the top-selling books on metrics.

In 2009 he received the IBM John W.Backus Award 2009, which is offered by IBM in a worldwide competition to two midlevel career scientists who "have done the most to improve programmer productivity, whether through languages, optimizations, tools, methodology or any other techniques". The winners were decided by a jury that included Turing Award winners Frederic P. Brooks and Frances Allen, as well as well-known software engineering researchers like Grady Booch, Erich Gamma, David Harel. In 2006, he received (in a world-wide competition) an IBM Eclipse Innovation Award ($22,000), for envisioning an enhancement of the Eclipse platform (inCode) that would support programmers with a means of detecting on-the-fly design and code problems. Dr. Marinescu is also co-author of the iPlasma platform for software analysis and reengineering.

Over the last seven years he served as an official reviewer for most of the major software engineering journals and as a programme committee member for most of the major conferences related to quality assurance, and software maintenance. In 2010 he served as the General Chair of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), which is the premier world-wide event in software maintenance.

Since 2007 he has been constantly invited by the the ICT Directorate of the European Commission to serve as an expert evaluator for software-engineering projects and project proposals in the context of the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme. Since 1997 he has been constantly involved in consultancy projects for several leading European companies such as: Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, Siemens VDO Automotive, Telelogic and Océ.

Dr. Marinescu received the IBM John W.Backus Award 2009, which is offered by IBM in a worldwide competition to two midlevel career scientists who
"have done the most to improve programmer productivity, whether through languages, optimizations, tools, methodology or any other techniques"
The award ceremony took place in Timisoara on 6.May 2009.
On 26.August 2009 Dr Dobb's Journal published an announcement about this event!

In 2011 Dr.Marinescu has been invited to serve in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice (ISI journal)

In 2010 Springer republished the book Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice!

ICSM 2010

 Dr. Marinescu has served in 2010 as the General Chair of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM) the premier international (world wide) scientific event in software maintenance !

The project proposal entitled "Detecting and Correcting Design Flaws using Eclipse" received in 2006
an IBM Eclipse Innovation Award