NGSolve is a general purpose Finite Element Library on top of Netgen. With the basic library one can solve heat flow equations, Maxwell equations, and solid mechanical problems. Several add-ons are available for particular application classes.
New paper:
J. Schöberl: "C++11 Implementation of Finite Elements in NGSolve", ASC Report 30/2014, Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology, 2014
GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)Follow NGSolve Finite Element Library
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User Reviews
NGSolve/Netgen is excellent software. It deserves to be a part of any 3d users toolbag. Herein lies the problem though. It is difficult to get and install. Is there a possibility of releasing it as an Appimage?
Thanks very good project! +
Good job!