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Radar Altimeter Data Acquisition from RADS

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This page can be used to obtain altimeter measurements of Sea Level Anomaly (SLA), Significant Wave Height (SWH) and Wind Speed from a specific satellite, area and period. The program used to retrieve the altimeter measurements from the RADS data base is raw2asc which in turn calls the subroutine getraw. After filling in this form and clicking the Select button you will get access to: The required arguments for the selection are:

Optional arguments are:

Geophysical parameters can be selected:

After filling in the necessary fields, click the Select button.

Mandatory arguments:
satellite phase
ERS-1 ERS-2 TOPEX Poseidon
specify first and last cycle
specify first and last pass
Optional arguments:
specify longitude boundaries (deg)
specify latitude boundaries (deg)
specify start and end time ([YY]YYMMDD[HHMMSS])
specify relative SSH range [m]
Geophysical corrections:
reference surface EGM96 OSU MSS95 TOPEX ellipsoid
ocean tides CSR 3.0 FES 95.2 None
ocean loading tides CSR 3.0 None
IB correction Standard None
wet tropo correction Radiometer Model None
additional options Expert use only

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 Home This page is maintained by
Remko Scharroo, remko@deos.tudelft.nl