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PublicVR is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation dedicated to research in Virtual Reality for Education and providing free software for educational virtual worlds. Our human computer interaction research centers on large scale projection based displays, interactive educational theater, and mixed reality environments.

We develop and distribute virtual worlds, public performances, museum exhibitions, and open-source software for low-cost applications in virtual and augmented reality. We document and distribute our work through the website, publications, and demonstrations. With each project, we release some or all of the intellectual property produced to the public domain, free for non-commercial and educational purposes. Most importantly, we conduct basic and applied research on learning with interactive and immersive technologies.

Our headquarters are in Boston, Massachusettes, we have an office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvannia, and collaborators all over the world.

PublicVR recently received a generous gift from Beverly and David Patrick, which allowed us to buy a Discovery Dome, shown above, left. It is a portable all-digital dome theater, which we will tour around to K-12 schools showing them movies and interactive virtual environments.

One of those experiences is our new Virtual Forest shown above, center. The forest supports a game-like learning activies (ages 10 and up) lead by the teacher. This was our contribution to a larger NSF funded research project led by Dr. Schloss at the University of New Hampshire.

We have successfully completed the Egyptian Oracle project, shown above, right. It is a recreation of an important ancient Egyptian ceremony in a mixed physial and virtual reality. The project was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. We have released a working application, the open-source code, and final report, here.

Latest News:

PublicVR's Discovery Dome now available in Pittsburgh area for shows. Egyptian Oracle open source is now available. Gates of Horus game now available.