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Journal of Preventive Medicine

Animal research and nutrition

About Journal of Preventive Medicine

Preventive Medicine is a global intellectual journal that encourages prompt publication of original articles on the science and practice of disease hindrance, health promotion, and public health policymaking. Preventive medicine aims to reward innovation. It will favor perceptive empiric studies, thoughtful explorations of health knowledge, and unsuspected new angles for existing hypotheses, study randomised controlled trials, and impartial systematic reviews. Preventive Medicine's final goal is to publish research work that may have an impression on the work of practitioners of disease hindrance and health promotion, furthermore as of connected disciplines.

The Journal of Preventive Medicine is an open access and peer reviewed journal, aimed at providing complete and effective knowledge about the biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental and occupational medicine, planning and evaluation of health services, management of health care organizations, research into causes of disease and injury in population groups, and the practice of prevention in clinical medicine etc. by publishing articles, review papers, short communications, etc.

The Journal of Preventive Medicine deals with all the aspects of health such as Preventive Healthcare, Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention, Tertiary prevention: Prevention of non-communicable and cardiometabolic disease (heart disease, stroke, diabetes, exercise, & nutrition), General preventive medicine (including primordial, primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention), Global medicine, Public health and health promotion, Environmental health, Prevention of tobacco use, Infant and child mortality, Bioinformatics and statistics, Health behavior, Prevention, lifestyle and social medicine (including social determinants of health), Preventive chemotherapy, Prevention, food, and drug Administration, and Special topics in prevention.

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For quality publication, the journal process through Editorial Tracking System. Editorial Tracking System of Preventive Medicine journal is an online manuscript submission system which reviews and processes the articles and review papers; at least two independent reviewer’s approval is mandatory followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors can submit their manuscript and track its progress through this system. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can track the whole submission/review/revise/publish process.

Preventive Healthcare

Preventive Healthcare comprises of measures taken for illness aversion, instead of ailment treatment. Generally as wellbeing envelops an assortment of physical and mental states, so do illness and handicap, which are influenced by ecological components, hereditary inclination, malady specialists, and way of life decisions.

Related Journals of Preventive Healthcare

Journal of Primary Healthcare, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Primary Prevention

Techniques to evade event of infection either through dispensing with illness specialists or expanding imperviousness to sickness. Cases incorporate vaccination against illness, keeping up a solid eating regimen and activity regimen, and abstaining from smoking.

Related Journals of Primary Prevention

Journal of Hypertension, Journal of Osteoporosis and Physical Activity, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.

Secondary Prevention

Secondary Prevention manages inactive illnesses and endeavours to keep an asymptomatic ailment from advancing to symptomatic disease. Certain infections can be named essential or optional. This relies on upon meanings of what constitutes an infection, however, when all is said in done, essential anticipation addresses the underlying driver of a malady or injury though optional aversion means to identify and treat an ailment at an early stage.

Related Journals of Secondary Prevention

Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, International Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Tertiary Prevention

Tertiary Prevention anticipation endeavors to decrease the harm brought about by symptomatic illness by concentrating on mental, physical, and social recovery. Dissimilar to auxiliary aversion, which means to anticipate inability, the goal of tertiary anticipation is to expand the remaining abilities and elements of an officially handicapped patient.

Related journals of Tertiary Prevention

Journal of Clinical Trails, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Environmental Health

Environmental Health wellbeing is the branch of general wellbeing that is concerned with all parts of the common and fabricated environment that may influence human wellbeing. Different terms alluding to or concerning ecological wellbeing are natural general wellbeing, and general wellbeing security/ natural wellbeing insurance.

Related Journals of Environmental Health

Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education, International Journal of Waste Resources, Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A, Journal of Environmental Health, International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health.

Infant and Child Mortality

Newborn child mortality is the passing of a kid under one year of age. It is measured as baby death rate (IMR), which is the quantity of passings of kids under one year of age for every 1000 live births. The main sources of newborn child mortality are conception asphyxia, pneumonia, preterm conception difficulties, loose bowels, jungle fever, measles and ailing health.

Related Journals of Infant and Child Mortality

Journal of Alternative and Intergative Medicine, Journal of Neonatal studies, Journal of Interventional Pediatrics, Pediatrics emergency care and medicine, Pediatrics and Therapeutics, Child Welfare, Children and Society, Journal of Childrens Services, The Indian journal of child health, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Preventive Chemotherapy

Preventive Chemotherapy concentrates on illnesses for which a system exists and also on devices and the accessibility of sheltered and successful medications that make it plausible to execute expansive scale preventive chemotherapy.

Related Journals of Preventive Chemotherapy

Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research, Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy, Journal of Cell Science & Therapy, Journal of Chemotherapy, British Journal of Pharmacology, Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy, Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.

Prevention of Tobacco Use

Counteracting start of tobacco utilization among youth and youthful grown-ups. Advancing stopping among grown-ups and youth. Dispensing with introduction to used smoke, and distinguishing and killing tobacco-related differences among populace bunches.

Related Journals of Prevention of Tobacco Use

Tobacco Control, Tobacco Induced Diseases, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene.

Isoniazid Preventive Therapy

Isoniazid Preventive Therapy for the Prevention of Tuberculosis in People Living with HIV. HIV disease is the most grounded danger variable for a man to create tuberculosis (TB), and TB is in charge of more than a quarter of all AIDS-related passing around the world.

Related Journals of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Mental Illness Prevention

By promoting mental health and preventing mental illness, we can expand the quantity of individuals who appreciate great emotional well-being and diminish, to the best degree conceivable, the quantity of individuals whose psychological well-being is poor, who experience the side effects of emotional wellness issues or sicknesses, or who kick the bucket by suicide.

Related Journals of Mental Illness Prevention

Journal of Nursing & Care, Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems, Mental Illness, Developmental Psychobiology, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

General Preventive Medicine

Preventive care includes the measures or steps taken for prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment. Preventive care strategies are typically described as taking place at the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention levels.

Related Journals of General Preventive Medicine

Journal of Alternative and Intergative Medicine, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, International Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Public Health deals with science and craft of avoiding sickness, drawing out life and advancing wellbeing through composed endeavors and educated decisions of society, associations, open and private, groups and people. Preventive Medicine concentrates on the strength of people, groups, and characterized populaces.

Related Journals of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, International journal of public health and safety, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Preventive and Social Medicine

Preventive and social medicine is a term used to depict and examine frameworks of general medicinal services that is, restorative and doctor's facility look after all at an ostensible cost by method for government regulation of social insurance and endowments got from tariff.

Related Journals of Preventive and Social Medicine

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Social Medicine, BioPsychoSocial Medicine.

Food and Drug Administration

The FDA is in charge of securing and advancing general wellbeing through the regulation and supervision of nourishment security, tobacco items, dietary supplements, solution and over-the-counter pharmaceutical medications , immunizations, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, restorative gadgets, electromagnetic radiation emanating gadgets (ERED), beautifying agents, creature nourishments & feed and veterinary items.

Related Journals of Food and Drug Administration

Journal of Food Processing and Technology, Journal of Alcholism and Drug Dependence, American Journal of Food Technology, Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Journal of Medicinal Food.

Health Behaviour

Health Behaviour a move made by a man to keep up, accomplish, or recapture great wellbeing and to forestall ailment. Wellbeing conduct mirrors man wellbeing convictions. Some basic wellbeing practices are practicing frequently, eating an adjusted eating regimen, and acquiring important vaccinations.

Related Journals of Health Behaviour

Journal of Primary Healthcare, Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Health biostatistics

Health Biostatistics It might likewise incorporate, breaking down the viability of new medications, breaking down danger elements for distinctive ailments, arranging social insurance mediation.

Related Journals of Health Biostatistics

International Journal of Biostatistics, Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Home Healthcare Nurse, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Journal of Healthcare Management.


Biostatistics is the science that applies factual hypothesis and numerical principals to research in medication, science, ecological science, general wellbeing and related fields. General wellbeing biostatisticians use scientific and logical routines to focus the reason for illness and wounds and to distinguish wellbeing patterns inside of groups.

Related Journals of Biostatistics

Biometrics and Biostastics, Healthcare and Patient Safety,  Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Home Healthcare Nurse, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Journal of Healthcare Management.

Healthcare Research

Healthcare research concentrates on comprehension the needs, desires and cravings of individuals – doctors, bolster staff and representatives, patients and individuals – and the routes in which culture, frameworks and ceremonies can be better adjusted among them with a specific end goal to boost craved result.

Related Journals of of Healthcare Research

Journal of Primary Health care, Journal of Health & Medical Informatics, Journal of Healthcare, Journal of Women's Healthcare, Journal of Healthcare and Patient Safety, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Home Healthcare Nurse, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Journal of Healthcare Management.

Preventative Measure

Preventative measure includes the measures or steps taken for prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment. Preventive care strategies are typically described as taking place at the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention levels.

Related Journals of Preventative Measure

International Journal of Waste Resources, Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, Journal of Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Intermittent Preventive Treatment

Intermittent preventive treatment or irregular preventive treatment is a general wellbeing mediation went for treating and forestalling intestinal sickness scenes in new-born children, youngsters, schoolchildren and pregnant ladies. The intercession expands on two tried intestinal sickness control methodologies to clear existing parasites and to avoid new contaminations.

Related Journals of Intermittent Preventive Treatment

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Global Medicine

The branch of medicine concerned with the influence of environmental, climactic, and topographic conditions on health and prevalence of disease in different parts of the world. Essential medicines are selected with due regard to disease prevalence, evidence on efficacy and safety, and comparative cost-effectiveness.

Related Journals of Global Medicine

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.


Articles published in Journal of Preventive Medicine have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Preventive Medicine has got h-index 6, which means every article in Journal of Preventive Medicine has got 6 average citations.

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