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Last Updated: Monday, 16 July 2007, 19:56 GMT 20:56 UK
Rowling in Madeleine poster plea
Madeleine McCann
Madeleine disappeared while her parents were at a restaurant
Posters of missing Madeleine McCann are to be made available to book retailers around the world at the request of Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

She has arranged, with the help of her publishers, for a poster to be made available for book retailers worldwide.

The posters will be available around July 21, the publication date of the final Harry Potter book.

Madeleine, of Rothley, Leicestershire, disappeared from an apartment in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, on 3 May.

The poster will display images of Madeleine and a link to the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.

Profile raising

Ms Rowling said she hoped thousands of people around the world will see the missing girl's image as they queue for their copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

She said: "I fervently hope that posters displayed prominently in shops all over the world when the new book comes out will help find Madeleine McCann and will help raise the profile of the many other missing children in different countries."

JK Rowling
JK Rowling has asked bookshops to show posters of Madeleine

The author has made her request for bookshops to display the pictures through her 65 international publishers.

The McCann family said they were delighted that the world-famous author is launching the poster campaign on their daughter's behalf.

Madeleine's mother, Kate McCann, said: "We are overjoyed by this generous offer and would like to thank JK Rowling, her publishers and book retailers for all they are doing to help.

"Madeleine has the first three Harry Potter books and first three DVDs. Like most other children the world over, she loves the stories."

The McCanns talk about the new poster

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